Louis VII (Louis the Young), c.1120–1180, king of France (1137–80), son and successor of King Louis VI. I worked with LCR and ACE. Teenage Christian king. His queen Eleanor supported her uncle, Raymond of Antioch, and prevailed upon Louis to help Antioch against Aleppo. Louis VII became king. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Eleanor subsequently married Henry, Count of Anjou, the future Henry II of England, in the following May giving him the duchy of Aquitaine, three daughters, and five sons. In his youth he spent much time in Saint-Denis, where he built a friendship with the Abbot Suger (c. 1081 – 13 January 1151) which served him well in his early years as king. The historian Odo of Deuil reported: During the fighting the King Louis lost his small and famous royal guard, but he remained in good heart and nimbly and courageously scaled the side of the mountain by gripping the tree roots … The enemy climbed after him, hoping to capture him, and the enemy in the distance continued to fire arrows at him. In 1216, after the barons rebelling against King John of England had offered the English throne to Louis in return for his aid, Louis went to England to … By Eleanor of Aquitaine,[7] he had: The reign of Louis VII was, from the point of view of royal territory and military power, a difficult and unfortunate one. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Under his reign, France became a leading European power. Raymond of Poitiers welcoming Louis VII in Antioch. Louis VII succeeded his father, Louis VI, on 1 August 1137, within days of his marriage to Eleanor, duchess of Aquitaine. #1 He implemented reforms which improved commerce and trade Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Colbert – Minister of Finances of France during the reign of Louis XIV Desiring to atone for his sins, he then declared on Christmas Day 1145 at Bourges his intention of going on a crusade. The Italian campaigns had been a disaster for Louis. He also supported Henry's rebellious sons, and encouraged Plantagenet disunity by making Henry's sons, rather than Henry himself, the feudal overlords of the Angevin territories in France; but the rivalry amongst Henry's sons and Louis's own indecisiveness broke up the coalition (1173–1174) between them. Louis maintained his father’s hostility toward their leading vassal, Thibaud IV, count of Blois, brother of King Stephen of England, and campaigned against him in 1142-1143. Regardless of this, Henry VII and Maximillian defeated Louis at the Battle of Spurs in Artois in 1513. Taxation and other economic issues arose, which affected France negatively. Louis was a virgin when he married, and it was likely that Eleanor, carefully nurtured and guarded as she had been, was, too.” Very soon after the marriage, King Louis VI died of dysentery, and his son, Louis, ascended to the throne as Louis VII of France, who also was Count of Poitou, as well as Duke of Aquitaine and of Gascony. Louis VII (ca. Louis VII, the king of France, was not happy with Henry's new position as Duke of Normandy. In 1682 he moved the royal Court to the Palace of Versailles, the defining symbol of Accomplishments. Before his accession he married Eleanor of Aquitaine. He is the only British monarch ever to be deposed and beheaded. In the same year he was crowned King of France and following the death of William X, Duke of Aquitaine, Louis VI of France (also known as Louis the Fat) moved quickly to have his son, Prince Louis married on 25 July 1137 to Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, heiress of William X of Aquitaine. Soon they arrived to the Kingdom of Hungary where they were welcomed by the king Géza II of Hungary, who was already waiting with the German emperor. But the major threat to his reign came from Geoffrey, count of Anjou and, briefly, of Normandy, and Geoffrey’s son Henry, who later (1154) became King Henry II of England as well as ruler of both Anjou and Normandy. His was an eventful reign. Meanwhile in 1144, Geoffrey the Handsome, Count of Anjou, completed his conquest of Normandy. Subscribe Now . Louis VII, byname Louis The Younger, French Louis Le Jeune, (born c. 1120—died Sept. 18, 1180, Paris), Capetian king of France who pursued a long rivalry, marked by recurrent warfare and continuous intrigue, with Henry II of England. his father’s pacification program by building the prestige of the kingship through an administrative government based on trustworthy men of humble origin and by consolidating his rule over his royal domains It was unusual for women to participate in the Crusades, but Eleanor insisted and accompanied King Louis VII. Considering the significant disparity of political leverage and financial resources between Louis VII and his Angevin rival, not to mention Henry II's superior military skills, Louis VII should be credited with preserving the Capetian dynasty. Louis declared war on Henry. Corrections? Bernard of Clairvaux assured its popularity by his preaching at Vezelay (Easter 1146). In 1131 Louis was anointed as successor to his father, Louis VI, and in 1137 he became the sole ruler at his father’s death. This brought the interdict upon the King's lands. He ruled from 1137 until his death. Coming to the throne at a tender age, tutored by Cardinal Mazarin, the Sun King embodied the principles of absolutism. Louis VII led an ineffective war against Henry for having married without the authorisation of his suzerain; the result was a humiliation for the enemies of Henry and Eleanor, who saw their troops routed, their lands ravaged, and their property stolen. At the same time the emperor Frederick I (1152–1190) in the east was making good the imperial claims on Arles. But thereafter his relations with the popes were good; Alexander II, whom he supported against Frederick Barbarossa, took refuge in France. Louis IX. A well-learned and exceptionally devout man, Louis VII was better suited for life as a priest than as a monarch. His accession was marked by no disturbances, save the uprisings of the burgesses of Orléans and of Poitiers, who wished to organise communes. What Were the Accomplishments of King Louis XIV? The pretext of kinship was the basis for annulment; in fact, it owed more to the state of hostility between the two, and the decreasing odds that their marriage would produce a male heir to the throne of France. Louis is one of the main characters in Elizabeth Chadwick's latest novel The Summer Queen. Louis XIV, also called Le ran Monarque, and the Sun God, hurt France during his reign. 1137: 22 July: Louis VII became duke of Aquitaine by marriage to the duchess Eleanor. [4] Perhaps the marriage to Eleanor might have continue if the royal couple had had a male heir, but this did not happen. Champagne also sided with the Pope in the dispute over Bourges. In 1154 Louis VII married Constance of Castile, daughter of Alfonso VII of Castile. Louis VII is remembered for his contribution to the ‘Second Crusade,’ which eventually ended … Anglo-Norman family disputes saved Louis’s kingdom from severe incursions during the many conflicts that Louis had with Henry between 1152 and 1174. Henry II, to counterbalance the advantage this would give the King of France, had the marriage of their children (Henry "the Young King" and Marguerite) celebrated at once. After Louis repudiated his wife Eleanor for misconduct on March 21, 1152, she married Henry, who then took over control of Aquitaine. He strengthened the authority of the royal court, went on the Second Crusade, and repelled the aggressions of Henry II of England.. Sixth Capetian king of France, Louis VII succeeded his father, Louis VI, in 1137.Louis VII was a devout king with a passion for justice, but for many years one lacking in political good sense. Louis tried to buy off his opponents in the Holy League. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. This is my powerpoint for history class. Different birth dates: 9/18/1120 or 8/29/1120 Died September 18, 1180[aged 60] Saint-Pont, Allier Burial Saint Denis Basilica. Updates? He ruled from 1137 until his death. Know more about the one of the most famous monarchs in history by studying the 10 major accomplishments of Louis XIV. He died on 18 September 1180 at the Abbey at Saint-Pont, Allier and was in the Cistercian Abbey of Barbeaux and was later moved to Saint-Denis in 1817. Louis XIV also persecuted the Huguenots in France, and did not allow religious tolerance. Louis VII decided to leave the Holy Land, despite the protests of Eleanor, who still wanted to help her doomed uncle Raymond of Antioch. Chronicles called him "King of Saint-Denis". Determined to secure a claim for his family, he sent the Chancellor, Thomas Becket, to press for a marriage between Princess Marguerite and Henry's heir, also called Henry (later Henry the Young King). But soon he came into violent conflict with Pope Innocent II. Short Biography. King Louis … m. 1154 Constance of Castile, daughter of Alfonso VII of Castile, died in childbirth on 4 October 1160 Louis VII (called the Younger or the Young) (French language: Louis le Jeune) (1120 – 18 September 1180) was King of the Franks, the son and successor of Louis VI (hence his nickname). Born the fourth of 11 children to King Louis VIII and Queen Blanche, Louis became heir to the throne after his three older siblings died. In 1212 Louis seized Saint-Omer and Aire to prevent a powerful Flanders from being on the flank of his county of Artois. France succeeded in crushing the rebellion, in a campaign headed by the Duke of Angoulême. 1 August: Louis the Fat died. For the first three years of rule, his mother Marie de’ Medici acted as his regent and refused to give up her hold even after the king came of age. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. He was the son of James I. Charles I was born in the palace in Dunfermline, Scotland. From 1216 to 1217, he also claimed the Kingdom of England.Louis was the only surviving son of King Philip II of France by his first wife, Isabelle of Hainaut, from whom he inherited the County of Artois. Louis having produced no sons by 1157, Henry II of England began to believe that he might never do so, and that consequently the succession of France would be left in question. Louis VI (1081-1137) was king of France from 1108 to 1137. One of the greatest French kings, he consolidated the Crown's control over the great lords, proved his passion for justice, and went on two crusades. Louis married Eleanor, daughter of William X, duke of Aquitaine, in 1137, a few days before his effective rule began, and he thus temporarily extended the Capetian lands to the Pyrenees. Louis VII became king. queen consort of King Louis VIII of France; mother of King Louis IX of France (St. Louis) Also known as: Blanche De Castille, Blanca De Castilla About Blanche of Castile: In 1200, the French and English kings, Philip Augustus and John, signed a treaty which gave a daughter of John's sister, Eleanor, Queen of Castile, as bride to Philip's heir, Louis. [citation needed]. His reign was dominated by feudal struggles (in particular with the Angevin family), and saw the beginning of the long rivalry between France and England. She was married to Louis VII of France shortly after the death of her father in ... of the most influential women of her time. Second fils de Louis VI, dit « le Gros », roi des Francs, et dAdélaïde de Savoie (v. 1092-1154)1. Furthermore, she scandalised Europe by guiding 300 of her women styled as amazons, … He is remembered for his long conflict with Henry II of England. In the first part of Louis VII's reign he was vigorous and zealous of his prerogatives, but after his Crusade his piety limited his ability to become an effective statesman. The early part of his reign proved unstable. The war lasted two years (1142–1144) and ended with the occupation of Champagne by the royal army. His greater accomplishments lie in the development of agriculture, population, commerce, the building of stone fortresses, as well as an intellectual renaissance.