: I'm the fastest animal on the planet. Written by JJ Duncan. This one is a user-created quiz and didn't get featured for a while. True False False True False True False True True False True False False True False True False True False True True False False True True False False True False True At parallel resonance,The value of current will be minimum since the total admittance is maximun Advertisement. Absolute Autobot or Decepticon dud? Test your skills with this rousing robo-quiz! Test your knowledge on the flow of electric charge with this quiz. Although my famous appearance came around in the late 90s, I had a sudden one in toy form, along with a … . (Includes the following Autobots as answers: Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, and Arcee.) The Ultimate Transformers Quiz! Image by Transformers | Hasbro | Tomy. Electricity! ProProfs Quizzes is your go-to-source for free quizzes online. Little electrons, running around, making things light up, getting up to all kinds of wacky hijinks. Nevertheless, this is something that you should understand especially if you are going to work with transformers. Name That Transformers Character! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A transformer is going to be very useful for increasing or decreasing the amount of electricity - ProProfs Discuss There's a really hot chick who is lost, scared, and in terrible danger. If the answer to that question is yes, this is the quiz for you. What did you get? How well do you know YOUR Transformers trivia? This online assessment tool is the preferred choice of educators, trainers, educational institutions and businesses to motivate learners to conquer new peaks. All featured quizzes appear on the home page at one point or another, some appear multiple times. Who is the leader of the Autobots? of. 1/13. Start studying S-95. Can you believe that, through our time loving Tris and Four, wishing we could pass initiation, and generally living vicariously through Veronica Roth’s words, that we have never had a Divergent quiz designed to find what faction we belong in? Based on Transformers Prime. Leave a Comment! This tool is capable of supporting various learning endeavors even for users who have no technical knowledge but want to play quizzes online. There are some people who become confused with this because grammatically, the ratio should be written 1:20. This fun personality quiz will tell you which Transformers character you are most like! Find out which Autobot Optimus Prime would deem to be your guardian. Which Transformer are you? SCORE: 0 (opens in a new window) Next Question. Which Transformer Are You? Begin Quiz. Before it was a featured quiz the average score was pretty high.. mostly it was taken by Transformers geeks, I guess.. so the average was up to close to 100. MORE QUIZZES … .