Find out when Transformers Cyberverse is on TV, including Series 3-Episode 21: Alien Hunt! Thus it falls to the Autobots to not only retrieve the Allspark but to escort it safely back to Cybertron. Exclusive: 'Transformers: Cyberverse' Season 3 Trailer Teases Bumblebee's Return to Cybertron. Himbo Soundblaster. As the battle on the moon continues, Megatron engages Optimus Prime only to get severely wounded by the latter. Meanwhile, Bumblebee searches for answers concerning the mysterious creature he saw on the Moon; with help from another Autobot comrade, Arcee, he identifies it as a cheetah. Episode #8 of Transformers: Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures arrives: Hot Rod discovers the terrible secret behind the Quintesson menace. Following the signal, the two Autobots head to an abandoned missile silo and find a drone called Teletraan-X. Windblade travels to Earth and finds Bumblebee, who has forgotten who he is. Transformers: Cyberverse. "Transformers: Cyberverse" focuses on the adventures of Bumblebee. Y/N is an 18 year old who was given up for adoption as a baby. So, it's almost like a season. Bumblebee, however, has no memory of her or who he is. Chapter Three: Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures (2020), Transformers: Cyberverse (cartoon)/home video, Exclusive: Your First Look At The New Transformers: Cyberverse Animated Series, Transformers: Cyberverse – Mae Catt Q&A Session (Unedited Edition), 21 March 2020, Transformers Cybertron - 31 - Cybertron. Read on for the link! ", whose partner, Cosmos, was abducted. Bumblebee recalls a memory of his arch-enemy, Shadow Striker. For example, in the episode Sea of Tranquility as Starscream attacks Windblade he cheerfully goes, "Hello, Starscream here!" Even when their team heads out to combat a Quintesson squad, Hot Rod and Soundwave still have different ideas on how to lead. As such, Megatron reluctantly allows Whirl and Bumblebee to leave, but warns them against trespassing into Decepticon territory again. Transformers: Cyberverse S4 TV Movies - Titles And Official Synopsis ... there were a lot of good sci-fi stories there. Windblade, despite searching Bumblebee's memories, is unable to find any useful information on the location of the. The two return to their respective factions where they explain to their comrades the story of their feud: after Sky-Byte triggered a destructive supernova, Jetfire pursued him through space, the two destroying countless star systems in their brawls. Both Autobots and Decepticons are stuck in a never-ending parade loop. Meanwhile, Windblade heads to Maccadam's, fights off the Quintesson Sharkticons and fully awakens Iaconus with assistance from Maccadam. Bumblebee reunites with Grimlock and explains to the two groups that they have more similarities than they realize, also learning that one of the Monsterbots was forced to build a shock tower causing the shocks on the other Monsterbots. Meanwhile, Whirl inadvertently frees Soundwave from the loop when he dislodges the machinery attached to him though Soundwave is currently in poor health. As Starscream prepares to kill all Transformers, Megatron returns from the multiverse with Dead End, the newly recruited Insecticons and a Decepticon shuttle named Astrotrain to assist everyone using his newly gained multiversal powers. This episode was first released online on November 2, 2018. Finally, when Optimus confronts Megatron, the latter declares war on Optimus and his followers. Enemy Line . Bumblebee and Chromia track another of Windblade's mind fragments on a forbidden moon of Cybertron, Luna 3. Wheeljack, while testing a Scraplet specimen, crosses paths with Shockwave who captures him. Having been shaken by that memory, Bumblebee wonders how he considered Megatron as his hero. Transformers Prime. This episode was first aired In The UK on February 20, 2020. Despite the relentless attack from the Quintesson forces and their Scientist, the Cybertronians are able to destroy the Quintesson structure, killing the Quintesson Judge as well. Buy Transformers Rescue Bots: Season 4, Volume 1 Episode 4 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. If you have missed […] Meanwhile, Megatron oversees the status of the dimensional shields monitored by Sky-Byte and the dimensional weapon he requested from Astrotrain before confronting the Insecticons who have bailed out on his plans. Release year: 2018. In others, there are nods to their previous characters, with both Optimus Prime and Megatron's voice actors previously voicing Optimus Primal and Megatron in the Japanese dub of Beast Wars. Starscream then reveals his plans to remove Cheetor's spark and merge it with his own to utilise the AllSpark's powers, demonstrating his scheme by hooking up Bumblebee to a Scraplet. Hot Rod later interrogates the Sharkticon bailiff who makes mention of a scientist. Remembering his commander's name, Bumblebee is assured by Windblade that Optimus is still out there. In the second season, several decades later, the revived Autobots and the recently arrived Decepticons now battle over the fate of Earth thanks to the knowledge that the Allspark is somewhere on the planet, protected by its guardian. Slipstream arrives back at the. Episode 4 Check it out below! In lieu of an opening theme, Cyberverse has characters talking over the opening credits to pump up the kids watching the show. Meanwhile, Starscream taps into the AllSpark's powers to make a new armor for himself as well as dangerous insectoid creatures known as Scraplets as he announces his plans to terminate all Transformers. MOST EPIC Transformers Moments (Better Than Movie) Transformers Fall of Cybertron. For now, it is too stub, but I am sure we soon will upload loads of information as the series proceed. Cheetor, however, breaks himself and Bumblebee out before both escape; a Scraplet follows the escapees only to be disabled by Cheetor. It debuted on the Cartoon Network app on August 27, 2018, and made its television premiere on Cartoon Network on September 1, 2018. With everyone else imprisoned, a ragtag resistance group made up of Bots and Cons alike must band together to save their friends, Cybertron, and potentially the entire universe. This episode was first aired In The UK on February 19, 2020. Optimus and Megatron then venture through their own Groundbridges to a cave where the AllSpark resides in. The Scientist ignores Hot Rod's threats, explaining that he was making duplicates of Soundwave from each universe. It is set in a new continuity and is not a sequel to any previous series. As Optimus sends a transmission to the people of Earth that the threat has ended, Bumblebee notices a mysterious creature on the moon... Autobot inventor and scientist Wheeljack shows off some of his new inventions to Optimus Prime only for one of them, the Hyper Fuel, to prove too effective for official usage. Season 3 . Even after the day is saved, Cybertron stands as a divided government, with Windblade's mind scattered in shards across the planet and Megatron preparing for the coming of an enemy from another universe. Even more serious characters like Optimus Prime aren't spared, as at one point he complains, "I was still talking!" Transformers: Cyberverse Season 3 Episode 1: The Battle For Cybertron I Summary: The Ark returns to Cybertron, with the Autobots aboard reporting no apparent Decepticon activity. Astrotrain returns to his facility from Unspace, gleeful that his weapon worked. An irate Megatron manages to arrive at the forcefield's area just in time and names Slipstream the new commander of the Seekers, much to Starscream's chagrin. Sunday, 7 Mar . "Memory" is the second episode of Transformers: Cyberverse. Welcome to our Transformers Cyberverse Wiki! Talk about Cyberverse and all Transformers cartoons past and present! Unlike nearly every prior Transformers TV series, episodes are only 11 minutes in length as opposed to 22 minutes. Despite working together, both Autobots and Decepticons still do not get along with each other. kireev20000. 2018; 3 seasons Action & Adventure, Kids, Science Fiction TVY7 Watchlist. Regardez Transformers Cyberverse Season 3 episode 01 Battle For Cybertron (Part 1) - Axelle Asensio sur Dailymotion Episode 3 11m. Battle for Cybertron part 4 Thanks to Walruslaw. It is the last season of the series and airing on Cartoon Network. as they, well, transform. Windblade, who was eyeing him the whole time, suddenly attacks him to avenge Slipstream's death. Episode 17 . The trio are only able to shake off their pursuers when they hide out at Maccadam's bar. Personality-wise, some characters are effectively transplants of their previous incarnations. "Memory" is the second episode of Transformers: Cyberverse. Hot Rod, in the meantime, is brought in front of a Quintesson Judge who explains that they travel to different universes to judge if they are worthy. Within Megatron's Matrix, Windblade's last psychic shard meets the spirit of an alternate Optimus Prime who instructs her to destroy this Matrix to defeat Megatron X. This news is coming from Ehud Landsberg who is one of the show’s 3 bosses. Watch Transformers: Cyberverse season 3 episode 4 online. Later, Chromia approaches Ratchet and the Autobots, having an idea to help in Windblade's recovery. The. 10:47. The two later lure in a squad of the tentacled troopers before crushing them under the debris of a derelict building. Transformers: Cyberverse is a computer-animated series developed by Boulder Media Studio. The Judge deems Hot Rod guilty but Hot Rod escapes with Whirl coming to his rescue, after which, Hot Rod thanks Whirl who is then "thanked" by Soundwave. Release year: 2018. Click the link below to see what others say about Transformers Cyberverse: Season 3! This episode was first released online on September 14, 2018. Jetfire, Sky-Byte and Wheeljack explain that the Quintessons possess a multiverse drive that allows them to travel to different universes. A damaged memory chip leads to amnesia for Bumblebee, which leads him on an adventure to recover the missing memories of Cybertron. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions Alt Mode! While he judges some Transformers, Optimus, Bumblebee and an injured Wheeljack escape into the multiverse. As such, they make everyone train for the battle against the Quintessons and their forces. It looks as if the show’s final season will be the 26th episode of the third season. The Decepticons catch wind that the ancient artifact is on Earth, and leave to investigate, which forces Windblade to take a one-way space bridge journey there herself. Meanwhile, a still living Megatron violently confronts Starscream and seemingly kills him, leaving his body on the moon. Exploring the actual room and that his fellow Decepticons were also caught in the loop, Dead End is forced to flee when he accidentally alerts the invaders, the Quintessons. QuintusTheExaltedOne Creator of the Quintessons and ex-Prime. Back home, Bumblebee and Chromia deliver their newly gained fragment to Ratchet while Thunderhowl joins the Autobots. He also catches wind of an infectious disease called the Plague of Rust infecting many Cybertronian territories but does not report it to his two companions. It first aired on the Cartoon Network app, with the first terrestrial broadcast scheduled for September 8, 2018. As the five approach the cloaking device, Maccadam arrives and discourages them from taking the device before explaining the history of Iaconus. A second season, titled "Chapter 2: Power of the Spark" aired on Sep 7, 2019. Joined: Apr 26, 2018 Transformers: Cyberverse, later rebranded as Transformers: Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures, is a computer-animated series developed by Boulder Media Studio. However, he is suffering from amnesia and has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. Plus, get an early look at new characters introduced this season … Cyberverse season 3 may be one of the best and most original takes on Transformers in a while, it was truly a blast Indeed. He later recalls how he met Windblade, a newcomer from Caminus who possesses Cityspeaker powers allowing her to telepathically speak to him. Episode 2 Transformers Cyberverse Bumblebee x Reader Chapter 1- Discovery. Windblade frees Croaton from the Quintessons' control, but the strain of the task fragments her consciousness which scatters all across Cybertron. It debuted on the Cartoon Network app and website on August 27, 2018, and made its television premiere on Cartoon Network on September 1, 2018. Beast Wars: Transformers [Season 1 Episode … This episode was first released online on December 7, 2018. Chaos ensues when the weapon Astrotrain is working on goes haywire, randomly blasting objects into Unspace. Episodes Transformers: Cyberverse. The duo rescue the two hypnotised Autobots, reclaim Windblade's fourth mind fragment and escape from the Dweller and the Argon Sea. Meanwhile, the Autobots, believing Megatron now has the AllSpark, storm the, Slipstream, unconvinced by Starscream's plans, barely escapes when Starscream sends his army of Scraplets after her. Cyberverse season 3 is legit " Beast Wars good". The End Of The Universe – Part 4. Starscream approaches Jetfire and Sky-Byte, equipping both with a spark armor each to defeat their opponent. Other typical Japanese dub additions include characters yelling "Transform!" After Windblade Revival, Bumblebee meets new Dinobots and Megatron X Returns. The series puts more emphasis on characters. Unfortunately, as the two Autobots explore the city, they are attacked by crystal duplicates of themselves. However, the Autobot tricks the left hand into returning his blaster before subduing and controlling it before escaping. Was Transformers: Cyberverse cancelled? The first season, titled "Chapter 1", would air in 2018, while a second season, titled "Chapter 2", is set to air on 2019. Transformers: Cyberverse was first announced during Hasbro Media and Investor Day in August 2017. (Note: may be region-blocked, your viewing mileage will vary). With the Decepticons fully aware of the Autobots' presence on Earth, Windblade and Bumblebee hijack the ship and fly it to a radio tower to shake off their pursuers. Megatron clarifies that they were actually made by "the Other One" whom they were waiting for. This episode was first released on YouTubeTV and OnDemand on October 26, 2018 and online on November 16, 2018. There, they encounter the Decepticons and are about to battle them until Starscream arrives with his Scraplet swarms. The shark-bot then introduces itself to Chromia as HammerByte and explains it was possessed by a malevolent beast called the Dweller. T T Info. Megatron reveals to Optimus that he obtained another Matrix of Leadership from the multiverse. Watch Transformers: Cyberverse Season 3 Episode 4 - The Battle For Cybertron IV Add to Watchlist Bee and Cheetor find new allies in the depths of Cybertron, Windblade, Wheeljack and Teletraan-X battle Bludgeon for control of Vector Sigma, and the Decepticons reveal their superior weaponry on the battlefield. The following is a list of episodes from the series Transformers: Cyberverse. When the two Autobots tend to Jetfire, they discover the latter's body parts keep disappearing and reappearing, an effect of a secret Decepticon weapon. With the pair being pursued relentlessly by Decepticons, Windblade must help Bumblebee unlock and repair his damaged memories of the war and his journey to Earth so that they can locate Optimus and the Allspark before their enemies do. The series is intended to "focus more on characters and their mythology", featuring a stronger emphasis on serialized storytelling, and utilizes the "evergreen" character designs. The series puts more emphasis on characters. 22:11. Produced by Boulder Media Limited and distributed by Allspark Pictures, the show aired on Cartoon Network. We're back again for the next part of the Battle For Cybertron, part 3! Hot Rod, who was chasing the mysterious cheetah, ends up arriving in front of two Decepticons, Lockdown and Clobber, who capture him and bring him to Megatron. TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards ... Cyberverse Torrents, Episode Downloads, Youtube Thread. Season 2. Bumblebee makes an important discovery: the memories of Optimus Prime. The wolf robot, Thunderhowl, explains his origins and mission to destroy Crystal City before joining forces with the two Autobots. Cyberverse season 3 may be one of the best and most original takes on Transformers in a while, it was truly a blast Indeed. The Autobots return to Cyberton in order to restore their world to life with the Allspark, only to find the Decepticons lying in wait. Related: Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy Trailer is a G1 Fan’s Dream Prowl was one of the original Transformers that debuted in 1984, and is almost always portrayed as a black and white police car who ranks highly within the Autobots. Chromia and HammerByte then set off to rescue Windblade and Bumblebee who end up under mind-control by the Dweller which Chromia identifies as another Titan. This episode was edited by Michael Ordway . Bumblebee, having followed them, frees Optimus before engaging Shadow Striker, with the skirmish ending with the Autobot scout firing a stray shot at a large pile of explosive Energon, the resulting explosion taking the Decepticon with it. Audience Reviews for Transformers Cyberverse: Season 3 There are no featured audience reviews yet. Transformers: Cyberverse Season 3 episode 17. Unfortunately, the Decepticons are after their friends.[1]. Bumblebee and Grimlock venture into Cybertron's underworld with Grimlock detecting another of Windblade's mind fragments there. This page was last edited on 4 March 2021, at 15:04. Meanwhile, back in the real world, Windblade tries to fend off the Seekers who have located their ship, facing off with Slipstream again. We review Cyberverse Season 3 Episodes 1-4, the Transformers Earth Wars mobile game has a new event, and IDW makes some convention exclusive comics available online. The attempt fails and both are chased by mysterious tentacled troopers with Clobber getting recaptured and needing Hot Rod's help twice. However, as the AllSpark is placed back into its well, Shockwave sends his spark into the AllSpark to corrupt it and subsequently dies. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime is summoned into his Matrix of Leadership and meets Maccadam, who reveals his true identity as Alchemist Prime. All that stuff felt super fresh and new. 1 Plot overview 2 Trailer 3 Episodes 4 Image gallery This is where you write about the general story in the season so far. A great battle between both Autobots and Decepticons ensues with Shockwave gaining control of the Scraplets, Cheetor reclaiming the AllSpark for the Autobots and Bumblebee bringing an unconscious Starscream as prisoner. Transformers: Cyberverse - [Season 3 Episode 2]: The Battle For Cybertron II. Transformers: Cyberverse - [Season 2 Episode 4]: Bring Me The Head Of Optimus Prime (Old) Himbo Soundblaster. Transformers Cyberverse Season 3 Episode 16 “The End of the Universe (Part 3)” Is Now Available On The Official Transformers’ YouTube Channel. Transformers Cyberverse is an upcoming Transformers children show for 2018.This Wiki is dedicated for Fans of the series. Cheetor proves to be fit for the task, but during a training session, he witnesses the Seekers attacking Bumblebee. This episode was first aired on December 15, 2017 in Singapore. However, he is suffering from amnesia and has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. Hot Rod and Soundwave venture back to the room where the other Cybertronians are kept to confront the Quintesson Scientist. This episode was first aired on November 17, 2017 in Singapore. The complete guide by MSN. Episode 18 . They later join Perceptor who reveals that the loop the other Cybertronians were currently experiencing is slowly draining them of their sparks. Meanwhile, Slipstream tries to locate her Seekers, eventually finding out they were taking orders from Starscream. Like x 6; QuintusTheExaltedOne, Jan 22, 2021 #31. Starscream fuses with the AllSpark and intends to use its powers to extract the sparks of all Transformers into it, demonstrating his plans by extracting the sparks of his Seekers. Perceptor meets up with the four Cybertronians again, having an arm decapitated and discovered the inner workings of Iaconus as well. This episode was first aired In The UK on February 17, 2020. Transformers Cyberverse is an upcoming Transformers children show for 2018.This Wiki is dedicated for Fans of the series. Many years before the war on Cybertron, Bumblebee tries to enter the sports stadium to watch the Cube World Championship but is thrown out in all of his attempts. Transformers Toys Cyberverse Deluxe Class Bumblebee Action Figure, Sting Shot Attack Move, Build-A-Figure Piece, 5-inch Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Action Attackers: 1-Step Stealth Force Bumblebee Figure, 4.25-inch It looks as if the show’s final season will be the 26th episode of the third season. Optimus Prime and the AllSpark are missing -- and only a memory-scrambled Bumblebee holds the key to finding them in this animated sci-fi series. This episode was first released online on November 30, 2018. After Bumblebee reclaims Windblade's last mind fragment, Astrotrain arrives to take Megatron X into the multiverse, intending to trap him there forever. He also recalls the battle against the Decepticons in which his old friend and leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, ejected the AllSpark from Cybertron by throwing it into a Spacebridge. The conflict escalates when Starscream, believing he has been chosen for a higher purpose, makes his own bid for power that puts both sides at risk.