Hearts of Steel #1, Cliffjumper was aboard the Ark when it crashed on Earth in the past, and lay dormant when it was discovered by Cobra in the present. On one occasion, he broke into a Decepticon outpost and executed the ranking commander, along with five other warriors who got in his way. Find out what this item is worth with our real-time price guide! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers. Please enter your password twice. Cliffjumper figure converts into classic G1 car mode in 18 steps and comes with a weapon accessory. Wannabee, Part 2 The rest of Cliffjumper's life would largely follow the same pattern; in his job as a sanitation engineer, his co-workers would constantly mistake him for his more famous lookalike. Cliffjumper was one of the bots to rally against the Decepticons and start turning the tide—until Devastator turned up and slagged them all. Collect other Earthrise figures to piece together the full map! This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. It proved more volatile than they expected however, and blew them all off into the distance. Though they successfully took by surprise a squadron of Decepticons, the Autobots had not anticipated a second group flying in from the opposite direction. Thankfully, the Decepticons were damaged enough through the course of the battle, causing them to retreat as well. Type 1 Pre-rubsign, "Takara Japan" stamp (in circle), tapered head hinges, smooth ankles, posts in front bumper
An international variation of Cliffjumper also exists for Mexico:
Cliffjumper was left sitting helplessly in the middle of the battle, and when Optimus's rescue team returned with Blaisedale, Windcharger had to push Cliffjumper to safety. More than Meets the Eye Cliffjumper was amongst the Autobots who fought back against the Decepticon Seekers when they went on a world-wide rampage. Ranks of Bronze Cliffjumper then participated in the second assault on the Combaticons, though he and the others unexpectedly ended up fighting the Predacons as well. Though physically one of the smaller Autobots, Cliffjumper has the gung-ho attitude of much bigger bots, and the impatient, straining-at-the-leash growl of "let me at 'em!" Also, like the other 1984 Minibots, some 1985 releases included a Mini-Spy. The Autobots' Secret Weapon, As the Autobots left Cybertron, Cliffjumper loaded a crate of energon cubes onto the Ark. The commander panicked, thinking Cliffjumper was attacking, and fired, destroying himself and seriously damaging the Autobot. the silver is arranged in flame-like patterns everywhere including the hood, the doors and the top of the cabin. Once Upon a Time on Earth, When Unicron began his galactic rampage, Cliffjumper was part of a team dispatched to Velocitron and was subsequently killed when the Chaos Bringer consumed the colony. or Best Offer +$5.10 shipping. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 Luckily, Wheeljack eventually undid the reprogramming, freeing Autobot and Decepticon alike. The Yamaha G1 golf car never had a standard ‘factory’ top assembly. Cliffjumper figure converts into classic G1 car mode in 18 steps and comes with a weapon accessory. Before he left, Cliffjumper brought Coll to a new family and buried Kita, leaving flowers on her grave and banging her tombstone into place with the severed head of one of his enemies. Henkei! and his Decepticon army. The War for Cybertron is underway and only you can assist with the war effort is by building the ultimate battlefield for the final Transformers Earthrise with War for Cybertron collectible figures! Pre-Owned. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences, Cliffjumper, who appeared to transform into some sort of ankylosaurid, was seen by Optimus Prime's side as the Autobots waged battle against the Decepticons on prehistoric Earth. Cliffjumper also witnessed the creation of Superion, and participated in many key battles for the Autobot cause. Also comes with ski attachments to change to ski vehicle mode; Every pack includes a piece of the Transformers Universe map and a red decoder to unlock the map's hidden paths! Fusion, Sometime later, the unified Cybertronian army arrived on Earth and demanded the surrender of all active Autobots and Decepticons. The spy fled, with the two Autobots in pursuit. Revelation, Following the toppling of Shockwave's regime, Cliffjumper was assigned to the shuttle Orion under Bumblebee's command, bringing supplies back to Jazz and his troops on Earth. It's unclear if he hates traitors more than he hates Decepticons, but it's at least a neck-and-neck thing. A die-cast metal plate on the bottom of the figure adds weight and holds all the other pieces in place. All My Sins Remembered, Cliffjumper and the other members of the Korea team were sent home on a plane but were shot down by unknown assailants on the way. Spotlight: Cliffjumper, Cliffjumper was a participant in the Battle for Hell's Point. The War Within On their way back to Iacon after an energon scavenging mission, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee were forced to evade a Decepticon team headed by Sunstorm. Robot Points: 1/2 Autobot
As they drove along, the Autobots were ambushed by the Decepticons. Like most other Autobots, Cliffjumper presumably boarded Omega Supreme's rocket mode to return to Cybertron the next day. All types are available in red or yellow. Cliffjumper and Mirage were teamed together for the recon assignment but were captured by Ultra Magnus and his contingent of soldiers. Cliffjumper (Mini Vehicle, 1984/1985) . Ghosts of Cybertron Part 1, Like all Cybertronians, Cliffjumper's life began when he emerged from the great Pyramid in Iacon. The two did share some parts, but they were different enough. His deco pattern however gives him the appearance of a street tuner car than Bumblebee's "sporty" look. Takara ID number: 13 Part of the original 1984 range of Autobot Mini Vehicles, Cliffjumper began life as a Microchange "MC-04 #01 Porsche 924 Turbo", a super deformed "Penny Racer"-style representation of the real car. Maybe he was just "off-panel"? G.I. They remained in stasis until the mid-19th century, at which point the battles with the Decepticons flared up again, though Cliffjumper was not seen partaking in any of the action. He was one of many Transformers captured and reprogrammed by arms dealer Adam 'Lazarus' Rook for lease to terrorist organizations and shady governments requiring brutal military might. Black Sunshine The Autobots allied themselves with Starscream to combat Sunstorm's greater evil, with Cliffjumper donning a jet-pack to participate in Ratchet and Jetfire's plans to disable the solar-powered Decepticon. Plan for Everything The battle ended with both Autobots and Decepticons banished from Iacon by the third faction, the neutrals, and Cliffjumper and his pals were forced to go live in a camp in the wilderness. The yellow version (and in rare instances the red) was released with a book and cassette-tape adventure as part of Hasbro’s multi-franchise Listen ’N’ Fun series. Raiding Party, Cliffjumper was caught up somehow in a Quintesson plot to kidnap several Autobots during the Galactic Games. Since the mold was converted to produce Hubcap, there is no direct parallel Type 5 Bumblebee from 1986. After the arrival of Autobot reinforcements, they tried to concentrate their firepower to find any sort of weakspot on the enemy, only for Trypticon to suddenly up and leave as he had other orders. He was working primarily with Prowl's contingent of soldiers. Siege episode 5, Cliffjumper and Huffer once allowed a Mini-spy access to the Autobot base, only for the little rascal to start mucking around with Teletraan I. Since then, he has been a truck, a Baja Buggy, and a hatchback, none of which were based based on any specific vehicle. Rodimus Prime remembers the Transformers greatest battle on Earth. Mirage gave up without a fight, eager to return home to Cybertron, which led Cliffjumper to declare him a traitor to the Autobot cause. Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's usual response when the … After the battle, Optimus scolded Cliffjumper for running out of power, and Cliffjumper drove Doctor Blaisedale home. He and the other Autobots then enjoyed an unusual lull in Decepticon activities for the next several days, only to find out they had been lulled into a false sense of security; the Decepticons had stolen the Autobots’ entire supply of fuel during this quiet time. The 2a and 3a do have a telltale ring beneath the ©Takara Co. Ltd. stamps. He was later stationed on one of the Autobot Moon Bases by the year 2005 and survived an encounter with Unicron, before immediately disappearing for reasons "unknown.". Cliffjumper was left behind to defend him while he recovered. All Passengers Must Have a Seat Belt. Orphans of the Helix, As the Transformers began rebuilding their civilization on a restored Cybertron, Cliffjumper went to the reopened Maccadam's Old Oil House and had a drink with Bluestreak and Sky Lynx. Somehow, this gets him neither killed nor demoted. Not sure what else to write, really. And anybody could be a traitor. Pre-Owned. As the factions continued their war on Cobra Island, Cliffjumper helped Sideswipe and Sunstreaker fight Skywarp and Thundercracker. Lil Formers, One day, the Minibot Attack Team (Cliffjumper, Brawn, and Beachcomber) and the Minibot Spy Team (Warpath, Cosmos, and Wheelie) found an offline Hot Shot buried underground. Cliffjumper participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. This version was also released as Cliff in Japan’s G1 - Fight! His arms pull out to the sides, allowing his hood and front fenders to be pulled down to form his feet, and lastly folding open his head from the rear of the vehicle. The Transformers: Battle to Save the Earth. Time left 3d 14h left. Cliffjumper almost ruined it, however, when he cheered for Bumblebee's rousing "We Shall Overcome" speech even though they were being monitored. Immediately, they were put to work on fighting Megatron's metallic virus, which had spread deep into Canadian territory, using their own internal power as the anti-virus. Prime Directive #6, When the U.S. military attacked the Autobots and Decepticons at a staged ambush in the Nevada desert, Cliffjumper was among the soldiers present. Cliffjumper Bio, Cliffjumper arrived on earth in time to participate in the battle for the Codex Key. Having trouble?E-mail us at support@transformerland.com. The Hanging Sword, The Autobots were none too pleased with Skywatch's ability to incapacitate any of them at any given time and thought up a plan to deactivate the badges once Bumblebee's malfunctioned. Ghost Stories He was seen mourning Bumper and Fastback at the Security Services HQ in Kaon. Ben shows you how to transform Cliffjumper, Movie - Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) (64), G1 - Fight!