Clue. Task No. – Yes, but _____ door is red. Les déterminants possessifs. They inform you of a person or being who possesses or owns something . Finally, you can practice what you've learned by taking the quizzes below. Exemples : 1. It's skateboard. Possessive pronouns and determiners (les pronoms et déterminants possessifs) indicate possession or belonging. Do the exercises below on possessive adjectives and click on the button to check your answers. 1. the camera / Tom. Singular nouns take -'s. It's boat. We use a different possessive determiner to correspond with each personal pronoun.The main possessive determiners in English are: Possessive pronouns are used in English to avoid repeating information that is already clear. It's dad. 1. Use the possessive determiner or the possessive pronoun in the gaps. Students need to match pictures and sentences and complete the gaps with the right determiner. They precede nouns and provide additional information about that noun, specifically, who owns them. The plural forms are the same for both masculine and feminine. a) I … Du sitzt auf (ich) Stuhl. 18) In case of natural disaster lots of people lose ________ … glasses? Pronoms possessifs : la mienne, le tien, les siens, le nôtre, les vôtres, la leur etc. Pronouns: possessive ( my, mine, your, yours, etc.) 3. Exemples :-Ma veste / Mon manteau.-Mes chemises-Votre travail mérite tous nos compliments. Max and you have a dad. We like the red car. She has a cat. 7. Possessive determiners, also known as possessive adjectives, are a class of determiners that are used to modify nouns to denote possession. Dependent possessive pronouns come before a noun. 2.) Cours et exercices gratuits sur les articles (déterminants). To express ownership or possession, we use the possessive determiner, rather than the indefinite article. Answers. Neither of these arguments is valid. Les Possessifs Exercices Rappelez-vous ! Patterns. Collins! ]|plural feminine → les tiennes Est-ce qu’il a pris ses clefs? Blog. Task No. [Did he take his keys? 1107. Subscribe to the English Classroom newsletter. book? It's apple. La possession › Exprimer la possession + Adjectifs et pronoms possessifs. Word lists. 3119. (NOT I am a friend of Susan.) Personal pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 1. without saying the name … [I don’t like wearing your shoes. 8) It is none of your business to interfere in my matters. ]|dependent possessive pronoun → dein…|die Wand (feminine) → deiner; In (wir) Haus … 4. parents live in Paris. He's 12. sister … My dad says there’s one in the wardrobe, but it’s his, not mine. When used before a feminine noun or a noun in the plural, the possessive determiner ends in -e in the nominative case: masculine (der Föhn) Das ist mein Föhn. NEW from . Il varie selon le genre et le nombre du nom qu'il remplace. Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership or possession. English Language Learning 4) The progress of a nation depends on ________ people. Subject pronoun Possessive adjective ; Singular: I: my: you: your: he: his: she: her: it: its: Plural: you: your: we: our: they: their: For example: I own a laptop. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Look! 'every four years'. He is at school. 6. (all 4 cases) hint: Consider that all you need for this final exercise is summarized on one page (short summary – 4 Fälle). Exemples: - Nous te confions notre chien. ___ head is red !3)Kate is not in my bedroom. With Lingolia Plus you can access 9 additional exercises about Possessives, as well as 749 online exercises to improve your English. mine: That car is mine. 7. the man / name. 7. Page description: Possessive determiners (they are actually not pronouns unless they replace a noun!) Pronouns include subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns.These are used to replace nouns in sentences. 4. GapFillTyping_MTYxNTc. Her cat is white. Clue. Possessive determiner: I live in England. Possessive determiners - possessive pronouns. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.69). The possessive determiners his and its are identical to their corresponding possessive pronouns. Voilà ma sœur-> voilà la mienne . (we) Answer: Can you come to our party? She is in ___.4)This rabbit is not in the right hutch. 6. It's bike. ]|plural feminine → les siennes Voici notre voiture. My name’s Polly and I’m looking for my hat. 4. 9. 2. Choose the correct possessive determiners. > I am a friend of Susan's. By Goga Simple explanation of Possessives with some exercises A worksheet on possesive adjectives, subject and object pronouns.There is a grammar chart at the top. 1- Mr. Brown has got a new car. 2. Downloadable worksheets: PERSONAL PRONOUNS (SUBJECT-OBJECT) POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS Level: elementary Age: 12-14 Downloads: 6919 : Possessive … This is an easy exercise with fill in the gap tasks on possessive adjectives and personal pronouns. Possessive adjectives. Possessive determiners, also called possessive adjectives (my/your etc. his: His wife is from Italy. Possessive pronouns replace previously mentioned nouns. brother live? His name is John. ]|dependent possessive pronoun → mein …|der Stuhl (masculine) → meinem; Hängen an (du) Wand viele Bilder? 1- Mr. Brown has got a new car. Practise your English grammar in the English classroom. Do you need help? It can be used before a plural noun in expressions that refers to intervals such as. Fill in the possessive pronoun “mein” and add the correct ending. Here is my sister -> here is mine--> 'la mienne' remplace 'ma … = It is his car. brother? Write down the pronouns in German. With Lingolia Plus you can access 9 additional exercises about Possessive Pronouns and Determiners, as well as 588 online exercises to improve your French. Déterminants (ou "Adjectifs") possessifs : ma, ton, ses, notre, vos, leurs etc. They spend half / half of their income on movies. You are late. Sandy and I / me / her are going to the café. Possessive exercises (s / s' / '/ of). Englisch Übungen für Possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) mit Regeln, Beispielen und Lösungen. My 8. its 9. their 10. their 11. its 12. my 13. his 14. our 15. 4. the daughter / Mr Smith. Grimm Grammar is an online German grammar reference from the University of Texas at Austin. 1. a) my d) her g) their b) your e) its c) his f) our 2. Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their. Excellent review exercises for test preparation. PLURAL: our: M/F: We have sold our house. Two types: possessive pronouns and possessive determiners. Group A Determiners and their related pronouns. In order to express ownership or belonging, the possessive determiner is used instead of the definite or indefinite article. The dog’s wearing hers. 2- 'Where is Sue?' hers: That house is hers. Karen owns a house. She has a cat. A-Fill in the gaps with my, your, his, her, its, our or their. Possessive determiners and pronouns. Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Determiners "Most possessive determiners are similar to their corresponding possessive pronouns: her is a possessive determiner, while hers is a possessive pronoun. 1: School's out for summer, Newsletter no. Possessive Adjectives: Example: Possessive Pronouns: Example: my: That is my house. Grammar. 1. (we) Answer: Can you come to our party? English. It is used when referring to all the members of a group of three or more. That cat is Possessive Adjectives Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. our 2. your 3. your 4. her 5. It is also important to learn possessive adjectives when learning these forms. I meet Jeremy with _____ new friends from London. The horse has an apple. You are late. My book is new. That dog is ! Determiners come before a noun. 1. - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary 5. Possessive determiners. 8) It is none of your business to interfere in my matters. Apprendre le français 'She's washing hands. Could you / her / your take a message, please? None of my friends wished me on my birthday. Moira does _____ homework. Its 16. their 17. my 18. your Grades as percentages 18 / 18 = 100 % 17 / 18 = 94 16 / 18 = 89 15 / 18 = 83 14 / 18 = 78 13 / 18 = 72 12 / 18 = 67 11 / 18 = 61 10 / 18 = 56 Most people don’t trust politicians. 6 How old is . Please put it in ___.5)You like painting. Your school starts at ... Their city is old. Take care of their meanings. *Le pronom possessif s’accorde avec le nom et varie selon le possesseur. Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English. Learn more about Lingolia Plus here. The bus stop is near house. your They visit Bristol. Les Possessifs Exercices Rappelez-vous ! [You’re sitting on my chair. its: Its color is black. We can say: Susan is one of my friends. Possessive pronouns Pronouns and question words 89 1. yours: That book is yours. friend Jason. We use the word "of" if there is a relation between two or more things.With persons and animals: 1. Example: Can you come to party? neuter (das Zimmer) Das ist mein Zimmer. The chart below shows an overview of possessive pronouns and determiners in singular and plural. 3. Translate the sentences into German. 3. All of / All his ideas are quite interesting. … The possessive pattern or mark ('s) is generally used when indicating a relation of ownership or association with a person, rather than a thing. ), Relative pronouns (who(m)/whose/which/that, etc), Singular, plural / countable, uncountable, TED Talk The surprising science of happiness, TED Talk Your body language shapes who you are. ]|dependent possessive pronoun → mein …|der Stuhl (masculine) → meinem; Hängen an (du) Wand viele Bilder? Possessive Pronouns exercises für Klasse 5, Klasse 6, Klasse 7, … Possessive Pronouns exercises - Übungen. Type in the correct dependent possessive pronouns in the dative form. 9. (you) This is my bag and that is . Practise using the grammar rules in the free online … Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English. I’m sorry but these seats are my / their / ours. Students need to match pictures and sentences and complete the gaps with the right determiner. Fill in the correct pronouns. SINGULAR or PLURAL: your : M/F: I like your hair. Nevertheless, I want to make a short review which points help you to find out what case a noun takes. Expression de la possession : 'L'ami de Paul'. Each child was given a present. Faites le bon choix. You have a dog. Task No. The bus stop is near house. colour is red. I am one of Susan's friends. Les articles contractés. Level: intermediate. He is at school. (Linguistically speaking it is a form of genitive case.) Exercises: possessive adjectives - English grammar exercises online. me, him, you, he, she, they, … My mum has also got a hat. 8. the car / … Possessive Case. Possessive Determiners as the name suggest are used to ascertain the possessiveness of an article, noun or any person etc. Complétez les phrases suivantes avec mon , ma ou mes . Determiners and Distributive Pronouns. Step 2 : Choose the correct ending, based on the gender, … 2. I’m sorry but these seats are my / their / ours. For example:-Bob's presentation. Tous les possessifs; Déterminants (ou "Adjectifs") possessifs : ma, ton, ses, notre, vos, leurs etc. Fill in the correct form of the possessives. … John and Max have a skateboard. Present Perfect – Present Perfect Continuous, Present Continuous – Present Perfect Continuous, Degrees of comparison (-er/-est or more/most), Personal pronouns (I, me, you, he, him, etc. How to use possessive determiners in French. We'll have a look at the definitions for pronoun and determiner after we've looked at the first group. Dependent possessive pronouns come before a noun. You are 13. 6. Her cat is white. Possessive determiner: I live in England. ‘s / ‘ / of  are used to denote possession in English. Your school starts at ... Their city is old. Language Lover's. Example: Can you come to party? MonMMoonnMon chat est gris et mammaama chatte est rousse. her: F: Her first name is Mary. 1. 5 This is . 2 Where does . Learn about possessive pronouns and determiners in French grammar with Lingolia, then test yourself in the free exercises. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on possessive adjectives) Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives: Where is (I) book? There are two kinds of possessive pronouns in English grammar. MonMMoonnMon chat est gris et mammaama chatte est rousse. David owns a black car. Possessive determiners, also called possessive adjectives (my/your etc. Here is an overview of the pronouns and their corresponding possessive determiners: Pronoun: Possessive: ich: mein: du: dein: er/es : sein: sie: ihr: wir: … Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises. [Are there many pictures hanging on your wall? They spend half / half of their income on movies. Pronoms possessifs : la mienne, le tien, les siens, le nôtre, les vôtres, la leur etc. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.69). Exercises: possessive adjectives - English grammar exercises online. Neither of these arguments is valid. 0000006383 00000 n 0000100801 00000 n Pacifico Exo 2 0000007389 00000 n H b```f``Ma`c` 8 Ȁ 6P c f. 0000093634 00000 n Coming Soon Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! Possessives: ‘s or s’. The possessive case is used to show ownership. If you want to know how cookies are used on this site, view the privacy policy. Look, there are the Jeffersons in _____ new car. name is Ben Scott. his: That dog over there is his. Possessives: pronouns 1. > Susan is a friend of mine. Adjectifs possessifs LES ADJECTIFS POSSESSIFS. 1. Every It is a determiner. Boogaloo 0000110286 00000 n 0000008252 00000 n 0000008231 00000 n English as a … Most of the shops are closed on Sundays. [Are there many pictures hanging on your wall? Collins. Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English . You may also like English Quiz. cat is very lively. You own this computer (I presume). Possessive determiners, also known as possessive adjectives (les adjectifs possessifs) always come before a noun and agree with it in terms of gender and number. Type in the correct dependent possessive pronouns in the dative form. ours: That poster on the wall is ours. [Here is our car. 1 extra: A series of Unfortunate Events, places of business or residence (without the second noun), used with compounds, the apostrophe comes after the last word. its: N: The dog licked its wounded paw. His name is John. Possessive determiners: Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part of the sentence with the correct possessive determiner. Answers. – No, _____ bike is purple. 8. 1. 3. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Your brother is Tom. Hi Daniel, name is John. I don't know the time because I can't find watch. 3139. We show this ownership by adding an apostrophe and an s to the noun if the noun is a person or an animal. (he) Sophia's hair is longer than . The Possessive case is used to express that something belongs to someone or to show a relationship between two or more people. possesseur: 1 re personne du singulier: 2 e personne du singulier: 3 e personne du singulier: 1 re personne du pluriel: 2 e personne du … Determiners The indefinite article The definite article Nouns used without a determiner Demonstratives Possessives Quantifiers Numbers Distributives Exclamatives Noun phrases with several determiners Adjectives Comparison. '. 1 Is this . It is usually followed by a singular noun and verb. Possessive determiners and pronouns. Your brother is Tom. Our car is red. 3. the top / the page. Do you need help? 2. the eyes / the cat. We need a new flat because _____ flat is very small. Fill in the possessive pronoun. Step 1: Choose the correct possessive determiner based on who owns X (mein, dein, sein, etc.). Possessive determiners in English – Exercise 3. Neither key opens the door. (Linguistically speaking it is a form of genitive case.) 18) In case of natural disaster lots of people lose ________ habitat. Use the possessive determiner or the possessive pronoun in the gaps. I don’t like either of my physics teachers. bike. She likes playing football. Interactive listening and viewing lessons based on Ted talks, Newsletter no. Les possessifs. 3. Clue. Singular nouns take … L'adjectif possessif apporte des informations de genre, de nombre, et de personne (information concernant le possesseur). (you) This is my bag and that is . 5. Possessives: pronouns 2. (NOT Susan is a friend of me.) 7. Show example. Possessive determiners for beginners esl. → My name is Greg. All of / All his ideas are … JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. a. Their 6. his 7. The words/list/examples of Possessive Determiners are – my, its, his, their, her, our, and your. They take the place of the definite article the, and state whom or what an item belongs to. Clue. Possessive determiners for beginners esl. Most people don’t trust politicians. Group A determiners can be categorised as: articles; personal; possessives; demonstratives; Articles - These are a subject in their own right, and have no connection with pronouns, so I'll not be dealing with them in this … English. Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises. Possessive Case. - Connais-tu ma cousine ? Choose the right word.1)Jack has two sisters. feminine (die Unterhose) Das ist meine Unterhose. b. Do the exercises below on possessive adjectives and click on the button to check your answers. Possessive determiners, my, your, his, her, our, their - Exercise - English Online. Possessive determiners for beginners esl. I don’t like either of my physics teachers. Englisch Arbeitsblätter für Possessivpronomen (Possessivbegleiter) mit einfachen Beispielen zum Online-Lernen mit Erklärungen. Aber mein Bruder kann nicht kommen. 1. Our car is red. colour is red. our: Our car is very old. Neither key opens the door. brother to London. Clue. She has a cat. Is that _____ bike, Maggie? (I) It's turn now. Can you see that green house? 6. I have a bike. Possessive Pronouns and Determiners in English Grammar, Table of English Possessive Pronouns and Determiners, Possessive pronouns and determiners – table. Do you need help? ), come before a noun, whereas, possessive pronouns (mine/yours etc.) The possessive case is used to show ownership. (we) How is new school? English Exercises > possessives exercises. 4. = It is my laptop. — English Grammar Today — ein Nachschlagewerk für geschriebene und gesprochene englische Grammatik und Sprachgebrauch — Cambridge Dictionary Cours et exercices. are similar in function to definite and indefinite articles. Possessive determiners – Exercise 1. 1. Each child was given a present. Exercise A Fill out the correct possessive pronoun! ___ names are Jane and Judith.2)Look at this lovely bird ! Possessive pronouns indicate possession. A-Fill in the gaps with my, your, his, her, its, our or their. replace a noun. Practise using the grammar rules in the interactive exercises. You are 13. 4. Exercise B - Fill out the correct possessive pronoun! What's the boy's name? TED Talk What if you could trade a paperclip for a house? The possessive pattern or mark ('s) is generally used when indicating a relation of ownership or association with a person, rather than a thing. 2. *L’adjectif possessif s’accorde en genre et en nombre avec le nom auquel il se rapporte. Possessive Case. Certaines formes des pronoms et adjectifs possessifs peuvent être confondues.notre, votre = adjectifs possessifs.pluriel : nos - vosNotre maison est grande.Le /la nôtre, le / la vôtre = pronoms possessifs.pluriel : Les nôtres, les vôtresMais la vôtre est plus jolie. Learn the difference between possessive determiners and possessive pronouns in English grammar and get tips on when to use them. = It is her house. 4. possessive determiner with gender (Male, Female, Neuter) example sentence; SINGULAR: my: M/F: This is my book.