You can catch all your favourite characters from Optimus Prime and Megatron, Heatwave and Chase to Hotshot and Whirl, transformers Official has them all! Then they turned the base into an indoor ice rink, which Ratchet didn't seem too enthusiastic about. Following the Omega Lock's destruction at Optimus Prime's hand, the Decepticons mounted an attack on Omega One. Welcome to Transformers Official the only place to see all you favourite Autobots and Decepticons!!! DVD. He went along with Bumblebee and Landmine. Piensa que la libertad es el derecho de todos los seres sensibles. Megatron followed, and disappeared. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Project Predacon, Ratchet constructed the Safe, a training room on one of the lower levels of the base. Shop Transformers Prime: Ultimate Autobots [DVD] at Best Buy. This item Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise Deluxe Class Autobot Ratchet Transformers TRA Authentics Bravo Ratchet Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe Wfc-E7 Cliffjumper Action Figure - Kids Ages 8 & Up, 5 He serves as the deuteragonist of Transformers: Prime and the main protagonist ofTransformers: Robots in Disguise. New Recruit After learning that the Autobots' human friends lived in Jasper, The Human Factor the Decepticons began narrowing in on the location of the Autobot base. Autobot Outpost Omega One is the Autobots' hidden base on Earth, located inside a mountain in Nevada.It serves as Autobot Central Command.It used to be a Cold War missile silo before it was converted: as a result, it's shielded against radio signals and is operated using old human machinery. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. It serves as Autobot Central Command. Regeneration, Megatron used the Omega Lock to create a huge fortress near the Autobot base. The "Heroic Autobots" are opposed by the "Evil Decepticons". Hard Knocks Starscream was able to gain access to the Autobot base and pilfer the Omega Keys out of the vault, but using a combination of trickery and Red Energon. Optimus Prime is the noble leader of the heroic Autobots. We are a no word count, post-Robots in Disguise (2015) RPG set in a joint human-Cybertronian society! Hurt The many relics they'd recovered (plus Airachnid) were stored in a special storage area in the base. Transformers: Prime (Ultimate Decepticons / Ultimate Autobots) (2-Pack) Peter Cullen. Orion Pax, Part 2 Bulkhead was restricted to base as he recovered after almost being offlined by Hardshell. Ratchet activated the base's defenses, providing pop-up metal shields as cover while the Autobots fought back. Are you brave and kind or intelligent and determined? Meanwhile Bumblebee used the base's defense system to prevent the bomb's blast from doing too much damage. The Autobots are one of two factions in the Cybertronian War. Omega Supreme - Cybertronian ship (the Ark) / City 6. Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Scrapheap The Decepticons had Makeshift masquerade as Wheeljack in an attempt to learn the location of the Autobot Base, however the damaged caused by the Scraplets prevented him from reporting back and he was subsequently blown up before he could report the base's location. The Autobots and their three human friends were eventually able to repair the GroundBridge and expel the annoying creatures into the Arctic. From: Darkness Rising, Part 1The humans are brought before Optimus Prime, who fills them in on their presence and mission on Earth. Ironhide - Cybertronian truck 5. The death of Optimus Prime in the animated Transformers: The Movie made such a lasting impression on young fans of the… With Peter Cullen, Sumalee Montano, Jeffrey Combs, Frank Welker. $179.99. Raf and Miko try to relax Bumblebee with some video games and watching tv, but that doesn't work since it shows cars. But on Earth, they face a new threat – discovery by the human race. BEST FILM. He quickly walks off and sees Arcee and Jack having fun after a nice race.Subscribe to HasbroStudiosShorts: Prime: Transformers: Prime on a Screen Near You! Luckily Raf was able to keep the bomb busy until Fowler arrived with some scientists to defuse it. Optimus Prime/Orion Pax – Current bearer of the autobot Matrix of Leadership who transforms to a Freightliner FL86 COE Semi-trailer Truck (killed by Megatron in Transformers: The Movie and later resurrected by the Quintessons in The Return of Optimus Prime) . Although they fought valiantly, the Decepticons were more warlike, and they began to gain ground. The warhead, which should have been taken away when the base was originally stripped, almost led to the discovery of the base by Vehicons. $8.55 shipping. The Autobots are the protagonists of the series. History Lessons. The scavengers Paralon and Buzzstrike paid Omega One a visit, intending to use a bomb to break into the lower levels where some artifacts were still being stored. $13.98. Darkest Hour Smokescreen was able to pull Optimus from the rubble, and as a result the Decepticons only found Airachnid in her stasis pod and the Forge of Solus Prime. Team Prime, then consisting of Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee and Bulkhead, were already based in the missile silo when Arcee and Cliffjumper answered Optimus's call and arrived on Earth. Both Autobots and Decepticons are humanoid robotsthat can transform into machines, vehicles and other familiar mechanical objects, as well as mimic organic li… Optimus Prime exuded the qualities sought … The blast shattered the mountain, destroying the Autobot base with Optimus still inside. Unfortunately it turned out to contain Scraplets which infested the base, chewing through vital systems., The name "Autobot Central Command" comes from a previous version of Ratchet's bio on. The Autobot cast from the beginning remains the same, with the exception of occasional guest stars, for two thirds of the series until season 3 when the Autobots' numbers begin to increase. transformersprime transformers tfp megatron autobots arcee bumblebee ratchet optimus optimusprime decepticons bulkhead starscream knockout soundwave prime smokescreen wheeljack miko raf 1.2K … On Raf's suggestion, the pair tried to find a common like, and eventually settled on ice skating. Ice Breaker. He survived the crash caused by Buzzsaw and helped the other Autobots transport Soundwave by road. The Autobot symbol long predated the Autobot cause and is used to represent Cybertron across the galaxy. Crisscross She started visiting regularly, much to the annoyance of the kids, who felt oppressed as a result. Sideswipe - Cybertronian car 8. After the wild success of the 1984 animated TV series, Hasbro decided it was time for the Autobots and Decepticons to make the leap to cinemas in 1986. !- The Transformers- The Transformers: The Movie- Transformers: The Headmasters- Transformers: Super-God Masterforce- Transformers: Victory- Transformers: Zone- Transformers: Generation 2- Beast Wars: Transformers- Beast Wars II- Beast Wars II: Lio Convoy's Close Call!- Beast Wars Neo- Beast Machines- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001)- Transformers: Armada- Transformers: Energon- Transformers: Cybertron- Transformers: Animated- Transformers: Cyber Missions- Transformers: Prime- Transformers: Rescue Bots- Transformers Go!- Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)- Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy- Transformers: Combiner Wars- Transformers: Titans Return- Transformers: Power of the Primes- Transformers: Cyberverse- Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Siege- Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Earthrise- Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Kingdom 1. Cliffjumper - Dodge Challenger 4. Trying to run Cybertronian programs on human machinery is a recipe for bugs out the exhaust, much to Ratchet's irritation! Optimus and Bumblebee used the GroundBridge to rescue the two from Starscream and Breakdown. He carries the Matrix of Leadership, an ancient and powerful artifact that gives him upgraded abilities and knowledge of all Cybertronian history. “TRANSFORMERS: PRIME” MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE THEATRICALLY. Transformers Prime: Evolution! Hasbro Transformers Prime: Autobot Ratchet. They are joined by 3 teens as they battle the Decepticons. founded by Prima, The Autobot'sleader is Optimus Prime. Enjoy all the best transformers has to offer, Autobots Roll Out!! The Safe and the Failsafe, The Autobots decorated their base for Christmas, however when Fowler told them the Decepticons had taken over a nuclear-powered ship, Optimus left Bulkhead and Arcee behind to work on their differences. Lleva la Matriz de Liderazgo, un artefacto antiguo y poderoso que le da capacidades y conocimientos mejorados de toda la historia cibertroniana. This page was last modified on 14 October 2020, at 21:15. Arcee - Cybertronian car / Motorcycle 2. BuzzFeed Staff, Mexico BuzzFeed … !For more AWESOME Transformers:Watch Transformers Cyberverse Season 3 – Bumblebee: Transformers Cyberverse Season 2 – Power of the Spark: Transformers Rescue Bots: Transformers Rescue Bots Academy: out the music from Transformers Generation 1: .Expect exciting content from these Transformers Series!!! Or fighting against them? Customers who bought this item also bought. The Autobots are a faction of Cybertronian warriors and scientist with all kinds of alternative-modes, powers, equipment, etc. Darkness Rising, Part 1 After the other Autobots left to try to find Cliffjumper, Raf proved handy in helping Ratchet work out some of the bugs with the base's computer systems. Warpath - Cybertronian tan… One Shall Fall, Megatron paid a visit to the base when the Autobots made a deal with him to help them end Unicron's threat. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Darkness Rising, Part 2 The base had basic medical facilities which the Autobots used to treat Agent Fowler after his experiences being tortured by the Decepticons. The Decepticons are once again on the rise. 1 History 2 Leaders of the Autobots 3 All Movies (2007-Present.) The Transformers: The Movie is famous for the death of Optimus Prime, but the Autobot leader was far from the only soldier to fall to Megatron and the Decepticons in the big-screen debut for the robots in disguise. Transformers Prime 2010 | TV-Y7 | 1 Season | Kids' TV With the help of three human allies, the Autobots once again protect Earth from the onslaught of the Decepticons and their leader, Megatron. In this new set of adventures the Autobots live on Earth and maintain their secret identity. After the Autobots' presence was exposed to Jack Darby, Raf Esquivel and Miko Nakadai, the three kids were brought to the base and introduced to everyone. It used to be a Cold War missile silo before it was converted: as a result, it's shielded against radio signals and is operated using old human machinery. by Luis Del Valle. She distanced herself from others until finding a partner in Cliffjumper. Next. They usually find themselves defending both their own race and other species against the Decepticons and upholding justice and freedom throughout the galaxy, where even Cybertron is. TRANSFORMERS GALACTIC ODYSSEY PARADRON MEDICS SET RATCHET & LIFELINE EARTHRISE. Stronger, Faster Ratchet attempted to use the base's systems to treat Raf after the boy was infected with Dark Energon. Transformers Animated boasts the most creative version of Optimus Prime. Con Job, Jack brought his mom to the base after she found out about the existence of giant transforming robots. The Autobots then scattered among the universe, searching for the All Spark. Darkness Rising, Part 4, Bulkhead and Bumblebee brought a mysterious pod back to the base from the Arctic. Eons later, when Orion Pax wanted to change society, he adopted the symbol for his movement. When the rank of Prime was given to Orion, now known as Optimus Prime, instead of to his friend Megatron, the Decepticons waged a full-scale war on Cybertron. One Shall Rise, Part 3, Ratchet attempted unsuccessfully to upgrade the GroundBridge into a space bridge in an attempt to reach Cybertron. Darkmount, NV The base's destruction left the Autobots with a critically small supply of Energon, with a final search of the ruins by Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack only turning up a single cube of Energon and the old lobbing ball. His movement was opposed by the Decepticons who had similar goals but different means of obtaining those goals. When Raf became hypnotised by a video game and activated the GroundBridge, hordes of Vehicons started pouring into the base. For centuries across the universe, the Autobots have battled their greatest foes, the Decepticons. Metal Attraction After Ratchet developed a Synthetic Energon, he ended up punching Bulkhead through one of the base's walls. In the process of testing it, the Autobots uncovered a live nuclear bomb. Stripped down to the bare essentials of Autobots vs. Decepticons, Animated took a very different approach to the struggle. Agreeing with Megatron's belief about the caste system, they meet and became good friend. However, after Tailgate's death, Arcee became more cold and militant towards Decepticons. A sample of Dark Energon inadvertently brought into the base by Arcee infected a piece of equipment. He was also present at Galloway's rant about the damaged caused in the attack.Later, he was on the NEST cargo plane transporting the captured Soundwave. The Transformers (Generation 1) Primes. Raf and Miko try to relax Bumblebee with some video games and watching tv, but that doesn't work since it shows cars. Among the known Autobots are: In the movie it is Ratchetwho provides the name Autobot, claiming it is an abbreviatio… Being set after the war, the series revolves around a ragtag team of Autobots trying their best to protect Earth from the Decepticons. Raf was eventually snapped out of his trance and turned the GroundBridge into a vacuum that sucked the Vehicons back out, though there were a few loose parts left behind. They fight to protect humans from the evil The Decepticons. If Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots, Bumblebee is the heart. Originally, Arcee was more of a competitive Autobot, usually spending her time comparing scores in missions with Tailgate while talking to him. Autobot Outpost Omega One is the Autobots' hidden base on Earth, located inside a mountain in Nevada. Prime, The Autobots moved into the base after arriving on Earth. One Shall Rise, Part 2 The base was rattled by earthquakes as Optimus defeated Unicron. The Autobots are a group of good Cybertronians that had fought against the Decepticons in the Cybertronian War. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. Optimus Prime is the heroic and brave leader of the Autobots.Formally known as Orion Pax, a clerk in Iacon's Hall of Records.While doing his job of reading and indexing information from the Communication Grid, he overheard Megatron talking to some gladiators. Besides, I'd Rather Roll! " Though Paralon and his companion got away, the Autobots saved what was left of the base, and as a bonus, Sideswipe found an old exercise video Bumblebee had made. In a move to prevent the Decepticons from acquiring the All Spark, Prime sent it hurtling into deep space. Trying to run Cybertronian programs on human machinery is a recipe for bugs out the exhaust, much … “TRANSFORMERS: PRIME” MAY BE AVAILABLE ON YOUR LOCAL BROADCAST STATION, CHECK LISTINGS FOR DATES AND TIMES; IT MAY ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON OTHER PLATFORMS, ONLINE AND ON MOBILE DEVICES. If IMDB ratings are to be trusted, Bumblebee, the latest film in the … Optimus Prime es el noble líder de los heroicos Autobots. Rotf-knockout-comic-nefarious-1Like Jolt, Knock Out was part of the team sent to counter Soundwave's attack on the power plant. The two scavengers managed to find an old weapon, however Sideswipe recalled Bumblebee mentioning the many hiding places in the base, and was able to get the drop on the pair long enough to retrieve the weapon. Build A Transformer And We'll Tell You If You're An Autobot Or A Decepticon. The Autobots are benevolent, sentient, self-configuring robotic lifeforms from the planet Cybertron. $40.00. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. 5 out of 5 stars (3) 3 product ratings - TRANSFORMERS GALACTIC ODYSSEY PARADRON MEDICS SET RATCHET & LIFELINE EARTHRISE. Tinker, Tailor, Gamer, Spy! Ratchet - Cybertronian truck / Ambulance 7. A generally heroic, honorable group, they tend to be dedicated to peace, and feel a need to protect other races from the Decepticons. Price Match Guarantee. He eventually succeeded by using the equipment to give Raf an infusion of regular energon. Coincidentally Bumblebee and his team also paid a visit to the location, as part of a tour Bumblebee had insisted they needed to do. Fowler and Wheeljack managed to keep the Decepticons occupied while the Autobots escaped through the space bridge, but even as Optimus destroyed the controls to prevent them from being followed, the Nemesis opened fire. "Thrones Are For Decepticons. Bumblebee - Cybertronian racer / Muscle car 3. Bumblebee is one of the members of the main group of Autobots in the 2010 computer-animated seriesTransformers: Prime. Are you rising with them? No matter your side, the future rests in your hands. They believe, as their founder leader Optimus Prime says, that "freedom is the right of all sentient beings", even humans. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Given that the Autobots had sev… When … He believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. After encountering the remnants of the base's defense system, the Autobots split up, leading Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Drift to run into Paralon and Buzzstrike. $15.00 shipping. Weekly content from your favourite shows including Transformers Cyberverse, BRAND NEW episodes every Monday; Transformers Rescue Bots and Transformers Rescue Bots Academy! Bumblebee DVD. Inside Job, After obtaining the Forge of Solus Prime, Optimus used it to upgrade the base's systems, allowing them to use the GroundBridge as a space bridge. Using their ability to disguise themselves, the Autobots have managed to avoid detection. Tailgate's death may have contributed to Arcee's demeanor when Starscream threatened to kill Cliffjumper if she did not cooperate, showing little to no concern over the possibility of his death and giv… Led by Optimus Prime, they are the main protagonists in the universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, cartoons, movies, graphic novels, and paperback books first introduced in 1984. He is voiced by Jonny Yong Bosch in War For Cybertron,who played Adam Park in Power Rangers, and Will Friedle, who voiced Terry McGinnis … The Autobots are the Transformers who rallied around Optimus Prime to prevent Megatron from stealing the All Spark.