Allows for multiple 2-player games to be played simultaneously, Adds words from IRC to your tab-completion list, plus fixes typos, Show IRC gallery (, finnish only) information on /WHOIS or /GALLERY. You can turn the script on/off bytoggling variable mangle_server_notices. Automaticaly /msg ident NS yourpassword when you connect or services come back from death. Dims nicks that are not in channel anymore. Whitelist specific nicks or hosts and ignore messages from anyone else. Wraith IRC Botpack Wraith is an open source IRC bot written in C++. If it encounters a nick it bans its host, Timo Sirainen, Ian Peters, David Leadbeater, Bruno Cattáneo, Ignores any nick changes when only the case or special characters are modified, like 'rpr -> Rpr' or 'rpr_ -> rpr', with optional pattern for more complicated ignores, draws a nicklist to another terminal, or at the right of your irssi in the same terminal. The original IRC script was written for IRSSI and contained roughly 200 lines of commented perl code. Prints colored text. On my Irssi client I am on 9 networks and sometimes even more than that, and I often found myself wishing I had access to scripts in some channels on various networks where I didn't run an Eggdrop. Adds an item which displays the current network activity. Have gpg-based trusting features in your irssi client! whois on every query open (and only then), restores the last lines of a query on re-creation, Random quit messages - based on quitmsg (Timo Sirainen), Turns irssi into a quiz bot. Print private notices in query/channel where you're talking to them. /SPING [server] - checks latency between current server and [server], Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim, David Leadbeater, Split overlong PRIVMSGs to msgs with length allowed by ircd, Script checking channel synchronization. XDCC was initially a script written in 1994 for ircII by Xabi. Sets nick away when client discconects from the irssi-proxy. A script that scrambles all the letters in a word except the first and last. This site is dedicated to the scripts that make him up as of November 2004. Intelligent Tab-completion for BitlBee commands. Give you more control over when to jump to query windows and when to just tell you one has been created. 2. Thsi is a small collection of scripts for the IRC client Irssi I've written or heavily modified. My experience with Perl is quite limited so I haven't got this one. A: Possibly a bug in irssi, or ircd you’re using does something that irssi didn’t really notice. Cache of invites and ban exceptions in channel. original idea by valvoline, irssi porting by pallotron. The $0 in -botcmd specifies the first found bot in the list. Cache of invites, ban exceptions and reops in channel. Within irssi, to answer your concrete question, type. Shows the song playing in amaroK in the active window (channel or query). Answers "$nick: No." If away gathers messages targeted to nick and forwards them to an email address. Hit alt+s and your line will echoed to the active window with mistakes underlined and suggestions noted. Adds Text::Aspell suggestions to the list of completions, Implements QuakeNet's CHALLENGE authentication. Create the database, grant the rights, etc. See the top of the file for usage. Search byident, nick or host. The same for too long topics, kickmsgs, partmsgs and quitmsgs. Enhanced autoclose. Requires Net::POP3. (For bitlbee 3.0+). Simple wordkick system, with extended polish dictionary for channels enforcing correct polish. Irssi is written in the C programming language and in normal operation uses a text-mode user interface. Useful in combination with screen_away. This script strips the hungarian accents. After changing these values, use the !udp-reopen command to re-open ('restart') the UDP-listener. To use this script, download it (link below) and put it into .irssi/scripts/ and execute from irssi with /run This script … Fetches the version(s) of the latest Linux kernel(s). Deop/Dehalfop everyone on the channel including you. (Similar to weechat's smartfilter). Emails you messages sent/received while you're away or not. (in a query and in the bitlbee channel). display a loadavg statusbar item using vm.loadavg mib or /proc/loadavg, Localizes users using traceroute, the localizer database or IP-Atlas, convert mirc color and irssi interal formatting to ansi colors, useful for log filtering, compress logfiles then they're rotated, modified from original to use perl modules instead, print last n lines of logs when opening queries/channels. Finds a nick by real name, if he's on a channel with you. search in your scrollback, scroll to a match, /schwäbisch - translates your messages from german to swabian, set (un)away, if screen is attached/detached, Loads scripts from file instead of autorun directory, An irssi adaptation of securequery.mrc found in the Acidmax mIRC script. I have my own channel and I want to sent msg directly to that channel in certain scenarios. When using tab completion on an empty input buffer, complete to the nick of the person who spoke most recently. This script lets you see them with the real nick all the time no matter what nick they're currently using. Play a given sound when messages come in. Helper script for dynamically adding text into the input-bar prompt. At one time during his development he had a slot machine, another part he was a game bot.. but by June 24, 1999, his official "release date" (and birthdate) he was in the form that many of use know and love today, but with the nick R²-D². when your favourite channel gets flooded). makes all window text start at the bottom of windows, DCC MultiGet, for fetching from XDCC bots, print invites in server, channel, query and active window, provides a statusbar item showing if your server is in splitmode and /splitmode to show details, statusbar item that shows user count (opers, ops, halfops, voice and total) and limit info (with opless/limit warning) in channels, Fix for Irssi not fully supporting numeric 489 ERR_SECUREONLYCHAN, show in channels when users go away/back or oper/deoper, fill windows so scrolling starts bottom-up instead of top-down (screenshots linked in source). Enhances /k /kb and /kn with some nice options. His scripts were first generic bot scripts until PrincessLeia2 was able to write her own scripts. A verbose away script, displays a verbose away/back message in the channels you are in. Tab complete servers and userhosts (irc. Just do /script load scriptname. This script shows a warning in the statuswindow if somebody preforms a /KlINE or /UNKLINE. Automatically wraps long sent messages into multiple shorter sent messages, Jean-Yves Lefort, Larry "Vizzie" Daffner, Kees Cook, Write /away information to a file to be used on web pages. Non-standard features are implemented with perl scripts, rather than in the core. It is b Set all windows not bound to a network to a specified network. Dvorak-QWERTY Irssi Script. how many nicks are in those channels, Adds the /PAGE command to page a nick (use /page nick )... to ignore pages /set pager_mode off, Notifies people if they send you a private message or a DCC chat offer while you are away; runs a shell command configurable via /set if they page you. As such, ibot, a channel bot, has the ability to display text when someone enters a channel. /CHANNEL /CHANNEL LIST /CHANNEL ADD -auto #irssi Freenode /CHANNEL ADD -auto #basementcat Quakenet secret_lair /CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots '*! Some IRC clients such as mIRC, XChat, HexChat, IceChat, WeeChat and irssi allow you to script extra functionality into the client. Start irssi, read the script output in irssi status window as it shows the 'unique id' of the bot and how to claim ownership. the bot is always with the same nick, like chanserv) you can give only the -botcmd option and the command is always sent. This script converts Slack emoji to smileys. A module named 'set' can be used by the owner to set (almost) any value in the bot's state hash: NOTE: The udp_listen_ip must be specified in IP6 notation. It has been in development since late 2003. Change 'nick: ' prefix if the nick is changed while you're still editing. Stops those silly mistakes being sent (spaces at start of line, /1/1 for window changes, etc). Stores URLs in a list and launches mail, web or ftp software. Adds the uppercased version of the tab completes, adds a statusbar item which shows temperatures of harddisks (with multiple hddtemp-hosts support). In channels with a discord bridge, turns " Message" into " Message", and hides spoilers. Undernet X Service Authentication Program, makes Undernet's X commands easier and faster to use, XDCC Autoget, for automated searching and downloading of xdcc packs, enhanced downloading, queing, searching from XDCC bots, XMMS-InfoPipe front-end - allow /np [-help] [dest], /xmmsinfo to tell what you're currently playing. Some of the chatters, including myself, have a join that is "encrypted". Adds statusbar item mailcount and displays info about new mails. Removes and re-adds lines to the Irssi buffer view. 23m, 40s ago. Summarizes multiple sequential joins/parts/quits. If you don’t need the bot masks (ie. automatically sends xqf data to irssi and optionally licq. :), now with multiserver support, Jari Matilainen, a lot of code borrowed from by David O'Rourke and Karl Siegemund, Tell people when other people were online, Implements the IRCv3 "server-time" capability. Based on a script by Peter Krenesky. R2D2 is a bot written in irssi with Perl. Display configurable title as XTerm title, /TLOCK [-d] [channel] [topic] - locks current or specified topic on [channel], displays a list of nicks in a separate tmux pane, set (un)away if tmux session is attached/detached, records a topic history and locks the channel topic. (Including YouTube, etc. Contribute to vanbosse/irssi-bot development by creating an account on GitHub. Provides /wilm and /wiilm commands, which do a whois on a person who sent you last private message, Goto a window by its reference number with /##, If timestamp_timeout is used, the text will be indented when the stamp is hidden, Adds words from IRC to your tab-completion list. Perturbates given nick (or just a word) in certain way. Auto-op script with dynamic address support and random delay, Print realname of everyone who join to channels, Automatically rejoin to channel after being kicked, after a (short) user-defined delay. Full configurable FTP advertiser for Irssi, Retrievs song infos and controls amaroK via dcop, optionally running on another computer via ssh. Staturbar item which indicates how many new messages you have in your centericq, Lists users on the channel matching the specified regexp, Adds new powerful and customizable [Act: ...] item (chanelnames,modes,alias). Doing this lets us learn that the sequence "%[" causes Irssi to read an invalid memory byte. Reformats some server notices, which may come i.e. Link several channels on serveral networks. Relays DCC messages. Ignores people bringin up boring/repeated subjects, plus replies. /gsi checks number via The text it shows depends on the time you're living. I need to establish this single task with Irssi Perl script. Alternatively, you can autoload the script at irssi startup by putting it into .irssi/scripts/autorun/ directory. eg. -> irc server, Irssi 1.3 settings notes and documentation, Show whatever needs your attention in active window, and cleans your windows afterwards. Irssi is free software licensed under the GPLv2, available for Linux, BSD, Solaris, Apple, Cygwin, … Strips the annoying mentions of your nickname on Slack via [cc: ], Improved smart filter for join, part, quit, nick messages, Christian Brassat, Niall Bunting, Walter Hop and Frantisek Sumsal, /ADDSMS, /DELSMS, /LISTSMS and /SMS - phone address-book with smssender, for now supports only Polish operators, This script queries remote hosts (/snmpup ) running snmpd for it's uptime and cpu usage, (tab)complete irssi special variables (words that start with $) by evaluating them. host/port, best used with /set dcc_autochat_masks. PostX Gnu/Linux (Was Audax Gnu/Linux) PostX is a lightweight Linux distribution with a Fluxbox desktop based on Debian (7). handle 005 and 010 server messages and reconnect to that server, Lets you run commands remotely via /msg and a password, Resizes a split window when it is made active (see comments in script for details). shows how many channels you're joined and how many in them you're op, and
Disables hilighting for messages containing a lot of nicknames. Answers to /msg's using Chatbot::Eliza when you're away. *@*.TOR possible (e.g. Or maybe you just don't like someone's nick? Provides /timer command for mIRC/BitchX type timer functionality. translates your messages into Morse code, rot13 and other sillinesses. This script allow advanced parametrization of the /list command. Statusbaritem notifying you about updated binary, Try a little harder to figure out client uptime. to be Easier on the Eyes, Print account and realname information on joins where extended-join is available, Prints caps; derived from by Michael Tharp (gxti), Jilles Tjoelker (jilles), and Mantas Mikulėnas (grawity), Implements SASL authentication and enables CAP "multi-prefix", Michael Tharp (gxti), Jilles Tjoelker (jilles), Mantas Mikulėnas (grawity). Write notifications to a file in a consistent format. /dccself ip port, starts a dcc chat with yourself on that Really, there's only two scripts worth mentioning about that I haven't already done so in the previous post. This convention is known as mIRC colour codes. Also enables you to send rcon commands to the server from channel. collection of scripts for irssi. Simple script that removes colors and other formatting (bold, etc) from public channels, Better quoting of content from clipboard (without leading spaces) -- requires Perl/Tk, /CLONES - Display clones in the active channel (with added options), From irssi source, modified by David Leadbeater (dg), when a nick joins #channel, notifies you if there is (or there has been) someone in #channel with the same hostname, Indicator for input prompt if you are inputting a command or text, Jari Matilainen, init[1] I would advise not to run other plugins with this bot, they may clash. Linux system information (with vPenis and other stuff), Replaces \t TAB characters with contents of /set tabstop_replacement, tabcomplete, on an empty input buffer, over /set completion_keep_publics nicks in channel, parts for any reason(kick, part, quit) are removed from the tabcomplete list. ), A simple nick banner. This script will automatically detect people using the Tor anonymity network and append ".TOR" to their hostname, to make things like /ignore -time 3600 *! tcl eggdrop free download. Adds an item to the status bar wich shows [typing] when someone is typing a message on the supported IM-networks 2. To configure the UDP-listener, you may need to set some configuration options after the bot was claimed. use, Start irssi, read the script output in irssi status window as it shows the '. from &clients or &servers at IRCnet. BitchX like Nickcompletion at line start plus statusbar, right aligned nicks depending on longest nick, Replaces lines in ALL CAPS with something easier on the eyes, Automatically changes nick (to randnick or uid on ircd 2.11) when certain amount of nick colissionstakes place on channel. a little interface to irssi's activity_hide_* settings. I am confused how to manage different chatnets and channels in Irssi Perl scripting. This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRC-client. Works for both public mentions and private messages.When away, it is very useful in combination with screen_away. autodekennyfies /kenny, adds /kenny, /dekenny. Dont like to take decisions? Lyz's Irssi Scripts and Themes Scripts To load an irssi script: /script load /pathto/ Email DB v 1.1 A script for accessing an email mysql database through irc View Script Download Script Gimmie v 1.0 a bot script, using ! Scripts My scripts have changed a little bit, but not by much. collection of scripts for irssi. Provides a single helper function to wrap mIRC-style color codes around strings. Shows affected nicks by a ban on a new ban and defends yourself because IRC is serious. According to the developers, Irssi was written from scratch, not based on ircII (like BitchX and epic). Ascii-art bassed on figlet. Shows a mIRC-style colour popup when you hit ^C. This script queries with googler and returns the results. Was intended for Unicode Emoji on certain proprietary platforms. Syntax: /foreach user [hostmask] command. Package: irssi-scripts (20201016) collection of scripts for irssi This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRC-client. on Hybrid & Ratbox IRCDs (EFnet) This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRC-client. Swap between green and white format for public messages. E.g. xdcc_autoget allows users to store lists of xdcc bots and search terms. Be sure to read through the script to see all features. :), Autorun scripts/symlinks created in the scripts/autorun directory, Jari Matilainen, original script by nightfrog, Save current servers, channels and windows for autoconnect and autojoin. (For bitlbee v3.0+), Shows an IM nickchange in an Irssi way. Scripts. Requires Email::Sender. Maintains a representation of window activity status in a file. Download Source Package irssi-scripts: [irssi-scripts_20131030.dsc] [irssi-scripts_20131030.tar.gz] Maintainers: Ryan Niebur Christoph Berg martin f. krafft Daniel Echeverry External Resources: Homepage [] Similar packages: pidgin-plugin-pack; emacs-goodies-el; minbif; minbif-dbg; minbif-common; devscripts In #utah on Freenode, there has been some active discussion lately about Dvorak vs. Qwerty. Masskick, usage: /mkick [-aovdln6 (hostmask)] <[:]reason>, Shows your mldonkey's current down- and upload rate. Replace words between :...: in messages according to a text file. This script talks to you *g*. Prefers active window if they're there with you. In Irssi, do /run scriptassist (only once per session), then /script install scriptname. a /names display with away nicks coloured, Shows your battery status in your Statusbar. if you're away and someone asks are you online on a channel. Rather simple than sophisticated. How do I rerun scripts? You may need some or all of these Ubuntu packages: irssi, mysql-server, libdbi-perl, libwww-perl, liburi-escape-perl, libhtml-html5-entities-perl, libxml-xpath-perl. Warbot should start and provided the config is okay, will announce in the privchan that it's a new bot being run for the first time. Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk, Johan 'ion' Kiviniemi, Quickly create commands from short perl blocks. 4. Crypt IRC communication with blowfish encryption. An IRC bot differs from a regular client in that instead of providing interactive access to IRC for a human user, it performs automated functions. It does not get in your way and its commands are intuitive and useful. Requires Lingua::Ispell and Ispell. Prints private notices from people in the channel where they are joined with you. script to show ignored message in censored form, adds a statusbar item which show length of the inputline, Automatically lookup IMDB-numbers in nicknames, Intercept misprinted commands and offer to remove the first character before sending it on. Strips the annoying mentions of your nickname via on irc<->discord bridge, will work for any bridge using botnick: , This scripts sends unknown commands to the server, manage tips ; url ; help in a doc file in the keyword=definition form. run arbitrary shell commands while [dis]connecting to a server, adds public channel command for counting down something, Removes CRAP or CLIENTCRAP messages from your buffer, store fingerprints of know users so can verify, cron implementation, allows to execute commands at given interval/time, allows per-channel control over activity indication, Usage: /CWHO [-a | -l | -o | -v ] [ mask ]. Searches for bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting a user. Remembers what people said last on what channels. /RK [-o | -l | -a] - kicks random nick from ops | lusers | all on channel, translates romaji to hiragana or katakana in text enclosed in ^R, Displaye a small, changeing statusbar item to show irssi is still running. You could experience problems like memory leaks, slowdowns, or even security problems.You are … Joins channels with non-utf8 non-ascii names. set (un)away, if dtach is attached/detached. /GREP [-i] [-w] [-v] [-F] , Greps the ban list for the specified pattern. I think this helps readability. Kickbans or knockouts people who use autorejoin on kick. use /stopmix to stop. All around Irssi bot. Permit to use /EXEC with arbitrary irssi commands. Keeps information about the most recent topics of the channels you are on. freenode-specific script that checks whether someone is banned on some channel, Internet Time statusbar item. Automatically clears pending input when you are away. Provides /start, /stop, /play <-nopack> <-nospace> paste mechanism - start and stop recording and then replay without linebreaks. Join #blowtest on freenode ( to get latest stuff available. I would advise not to run other plugins with this bot, they may clash. Useful when you get lots of private notices from some bots. (c) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 GPLv2+ - There may be dragons. ppp0.If you are connecting though a router, set it to "router", Move completed dcc gets to the subfolder done. ), A command to output content of files in various ways. Shows join messages in the query. /spell is also provided. You can now send UDP-datagrams to the IP and port specified to have the bot output them on IRC: If the bot is on multiple networks with the same channelname, you can specify the irssi network name to help the bot decide where to output the message: You signed in with another tab or window. Some provide a network service or service bot instead; on IRCnet, you may use the List service: /SQUERY Alis HELP Other networks with service bots (like ChanServ) may also provide a list service bot (confirm with /WHOIS ALIS): /WHOIS anyone querying you automatically. (Also known as Server-Side Ignore) This script will set the proper keybindings on /AZERTY and /QWERTY. Call a system command when receiving a hilight, Print hilighted messages to window named "hilight", Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Mark 'znx' Sangster, Kimberly 'rummik' Zick, Translate nicks to HipChat "mention names", Search within your typed history as you type (like ctrl-R in bash), Add a apache page hitcounter to statusbar, responds to "!hl counterstrike.server " command on channels/msg's to query counter-strike servers. Replaces :emote_name: text in your sent messages into pre-defined emotes (unicode mostly). Based on Jan-Pieter Cornets signature version. You can specify multiple bot masks with -bots option separated with spaces (and remember to quote the string then). Accepted parameters are -minusers <#users> and -maxusers <#users>. /BAN [channel] [-normal|-host|-user|-domain|-crap|-ip|-class -before|-after "cmd" nick|mask] ... - bans several nicks/masks on channel, removes any conflicting bans before banning. Also provides a hilight window. Script commands: /si, /se, /sr, /unexcept, /uninvite, /unreop (version only for ircd >= 2.11.0). Use the !save command to make the configuration permanent. BUT it can limit the channels (not spamming every channel! Perturbates your nick, use /nickmix nick/len where len is the number of chars you want to keep from your orig nick. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. /on command - this is very simple and not really designed to be the same as ircII - it tries to fit into Irssi's usage style more than emulating ircII. defines command /act. Automatically request op from random opped person with specifed command from list after joining channel, a bot script, using ! He is the channel bot primarily built for #13thHour. Perform certain action (invite/op/...) on request authenticated by the IRC operator status. Users can develop personalized scripts in Perl for adding additional features or performing advanced operations. does CTCP SOUNDs and other similar things. This is a combination of the hilightwin, noisyquery and showhilight scripts, show modes in parts, quits, kicks, topic changes or actions, like show_nickmode does for public messages, Prefix nicks with @ when completing nicks to match conventions on networks like Slack, Flowdock, Gitter etc, Morten Lied Johansen, Jonas Berlin, Ossi Hakkarainen. Hilights window refnumber in statusbar if someone ops/deops you on channel. Switch to the window with the given name or item. Simulates the BitchX /FUCKEM command. Send a random fortune cookie to an user in channel. Irssi is a text-only IRC client. a script for accessing an email mysql database through irc, Expand "event mode" and emit "event mode {channel,user,server} *", Adds a setting to automatically terminate a process whose parent window has been closed. And since the IRC scripts are very small and simple, this isn't a tough job. Cross-platform/architecture system information script. This can be useful to have a single window to review while also having windows for each channel. /IRCOPS - Display IrcOps in current channel, show the accountname (330) and real host on ircu. This script allows you to view all users on a specific server. irssi free download. Usage: /paste [-all|-msgs|-public] [-c|-b] [-s|-l| where] [lines], Pasting lines to specified targets, type "/paste -help" for help, Paste reformats long pieces of text typically pasted into your client from webpages so that they fit nicely into your channel.