Otherwise the stats are not too bad. It's not like you can squeeze another round of firing into that battle anyway, might as well go for more damage. This has to do with the fact that this gun has inherent weapon modifier of 110%, while MK6 has 105%. The gun is still very disappointing for almost all situations though. Nearly identical attributes, but a … share. Azur Lane Equipments To Use Guide ... the lower cooldown leads to a higher volume of fire, which they desperately need as they lack the second gun mount Gunboats have. 2 019/06/29 update: Equipments from French event and core data updates added. Fragments mid-air into incendiary shrapnel capable of dealing damage to enemy planes. I've read Hood is better for ships with proc skill on shooting, but also to those with low FP. In most cases this is the best gun for your BB/BC/BM(I'm going to just say BB from now on since I'm tired, they all use the same guns). Is the reload-damage tradeoff really worth it? You can compare this to the 410mm above. The rests are ship specific guns - The Quad 356 is for KGV, The Triple 381 is for Littorio, the Quad 380 is for Jean Bart, and the Triple 406 is for Gascogne Muse and Massachusetts. The most important fix is the AP->HE shell change. Antes de mais nada, é bom tomar cuidado para jamais, repito, JAMAIS confundir essa arma com a 410mm Mounted Gun (Type 3 Shell), uma arma dourada que, até o momento, só existe para servir de meme.A 410mm Mounted Gun mencionada aqui é uma roxa T3 que, assim como a MK6, mostra que não se dá pra ficar julgando arma pela raridade. Currently has the highest potential for fire damage in the game. The reason is that this gun's base stats aren't all that bad(comparable to MK6), and the +45 FP can boost your final gun damage. In this game, you would control up to 6 characters, advancing in the map to shoot at the enemies appeared while … Recommended LV: … Normal shells are also lackluster. Because this is a gold gun, it's +45 instead of +25. Recommended LV: 45 Recarrega 4 segundos mais … More hidden stats and mechanics will be added and discussed. 2019/04/13 update: Research equipments added to the guides. Updated irregularly depending on my period. The shell type is sanshiki(3rd year type) shells and not HE. Base damage per salvo is also not too great. Click here to see all gun ammo modifiers. Not really that hard to obtain. Long reload of BB guns complicates a lot of things. The triple 406 has a whopping dps of 19.48 and shot damage of 3x156 with a reload of 24s. by Intel8008 Intro A General guide for equipment and their respective lower tier options for Commanders who are new to the game or who have limited resources to construct or obtain them. ... ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quintuple Advanced Homing Torpedo Mount ・610mm Triple Advanced Torpedo Mount The twin 410mm has dps of 15.31 and shot damage of 2x154 with a reload of 20s. One scenario I can think of that this gun might actually utilize all of its theoretical DPS would be one in which the player attacks a gigantic, immobile enemy that fills up the whole right side of the screen(for example, some enemy that represents a port or other land structures of some kind). Table of Contents. They were not considered by US Navy pilots to be particularly threatening in this role. 2018/10/26 update: Equipments from EN's Fallen Wings event were added to the guides. Table of Contents. Prototype 410mm Triple has comparable base stats to the Mk6, but fires AP shells. So you should calculate your battle timeframes in order to decide which one to use. A final caveat would be that the MK6 won't become a "bad" gun by any means, even in the future, because Azur Lane is an easy game. > If your BB/C has a skill that procs on main gun fire but only affects herself, use 410mm for a balance between damage and rate of fire (eg. This has almost everything you want in a BB gun. It's often considered the rate of fire specialization gun. If you're in a situation where the battle is long, and you want consistent gun firing skill triggers(like a boss battle of some kind), then it's fine to use this on a low-firepower gun to min-max. … On those maps MK6's worse accuracy becomes an advantage because its salvo covers more area. Often considered as the lowest priority among research equipments. HE shell makes this relevant in most PvE situations. The one relevant stat is the firepower boost. Firing range: The maximum distance from an enemy for the gun to fire. Mostly due to the reload being a bit too slow. The damage this gun does in those battles is highly inadequate. Its only drawback is the shell type. Total number doesn't add up to MK6's assuming all shells hit, but it does cover a wider area and hit more stuff. Rate of fire(RoF) focused(more gun firing = higher chance for some skills to be triggered, damage is relatively irrelevant). Recommended LV: 64 Opponents: Includes 4 items: Azur Lane Crosswave, Azur Lane Crosswave - Shiranui's Prized Goods Release Sale, Azur Lane Crosswave - Operation EXP Boost, Azur Lane Crosswave - Deluxe Pack. Azur Lane Thread 2 Thread ... She has a single fore and aft twin 12" turret and all of her secondary and lesser guns are/were mounted in her casemate, superstructure, and in pintle mounts on her deck. Therefore when possible, HE guns should be your primary choice. It also has a very slow reload to compensate. It is good to keep this option available. 031 Sakura Empire Special - Small Scale Fleet ... 152mm Mounted Gun T2 Gyroscope T2 Return to top; 035 Small Scale Main Fleet. But even with all things considered, this gun's usage is still likely very niche. The gun is inaccurate, and takes forever to reload. It has a good balance between shelling damage and skill trigger while having useful HE shells. High damage per salvo, high DPS, low spread, reasonable reload, HE shells. 2018/12/13 update: Equipments from EN's Divergent Chessboard event were added to the guides. From Azur Lane Wiki. Need user validation for full features. It's a kind of incendiary weapon. Azur Lane Japanese Pronunciation Guide for Ships w... Azur Lane Weeaboo Pronunciation Guide for Ships wi... WHAT EQUIPMENTS SHOULD I USE IF I HAVE NOTHING BUT... Azur Lane(EN) Equipment Box Contents: WHICH BOXES ... Azur Lane Simplified AA Equipment Guide v.20180901. However, this can be unsuitable for maps full of fast-moving enemies. It's probably the best normally obtainable AP gun. Prototype Twin 203mm (Type 3) Mounted Gun Type: Heavy Cruiser Main Gun Rarity: Super Rare ★★★★★ Nation: Sakura Empire : Stats Stat Value Damage 28 x 4 → 48 x 4 Fire Rate 8.58s → 5.92s Firepower 45 Ammo Type HE ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Sanshikidan (supposedly nicknamed "beehive") rounds were combined fragmentation and incendiary rounds intended to give warship main batteries some anti-aircraft capability. Damage focused. Triple 410mm (10th Year Type Prototype) Type: Battleship Main Gun Rarity: Super Rare ★★★★★ Nation: Sakura Empire 2020/01/01 revamp: All existing guide pages are in the process of being revamped. Theoretical DPS is calculated with the assumption that ALL the fragments hit, which is utterly impossible in practice. Shell type is AP. Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Index Page, Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Destroyer Main Guns. Theoretical DPS is comparable as well. Another classic case to study BB gun timeframe control. You can scrap if you want. Triple 410mm (10th Year Type Prototype) Type: Battleship Main Gun Rarity: Super Rare ★★★★★ Nation: Sakura Empire As mentioned before, AP guns have very punishing modifiers in most PvE battles. Destroyer guns have 360 degrees of turret rotations so characters using these guns can hit enemies in all directions, including backwards. Just know that future trend might favor 410mm. Coupled with other attributes of BB guns, things might not always be apparent. Eventually you'll move on to better stuff. If you know the battles are going to be short (usually non-boss) and you wont get to trigger your skill more than once no matter how much you cut the reload, then go ahead and use the 410mm. If enemy moved outside of firing range after the gun fi, Discord: ... T3 410mm Mounted Gun Twin 203mm Main Gun (SK C) T1 Return to top; 054 Small Scale Main Fleet. This won't happen any time soon for EN so you should still treasure your MK6s. Created in Gear Lab from: Twin 410mm (3rd Year Type) That way all the fragments will hit and set the buildings on fire, giving you full damage numbers and fire bonus. Better stats all around. ・Twin 100mm (Type 98) Advanced AA Gun ・Twin 127mm MK12 Advanced Dual Gun ・Triple 155mm Advanced Mounted Gun ・Sample Triple 152mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 203mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25) T0 ・Sample 381mm Mounted Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quint Adv Homing Torpedo Mt Azur Lane Crosswave Missions 51-60. But it's an AP gun. 1 shinkicker444 Neratte... Pon! Please drop a line or ping me and state your purpose. 410mm Twin is a more readily accessible alternative to the 406mm Drh LC/34. Weapon modifier is part of the fire damage equation, and both guns are pretty much equal in all other variables. Also enter the reload stat for the battleship in question (potentially including fleet tech) and the percentage reload buff, if any. Ammo modifier is highly unfavorable for DD guns that fire AP shells. Once you have got the higher tier one, and you have install them to … Azur Lane is a bullet hell, side-scrolling style mobile game, with a character roster being the warships from World War 2 personified. You gain a faster reload at the cost of actual gun damage. ... T3 410mm Mounted Gun Twin 203mm Main Gun (SK C) T1 Return to top; 054 Small Scale Main Fleet. But the chance of ignition is 20% lower for some reason. Unlike other BB guns, this gun has a 12° angular spread rather than a linear spread. DPS is lower than the blue 356mm above. It's fine for ships with already low firepower(like Hood) whose shelling damage is something you plan to give up anyway, for the purpose of triggering skills more. Azur Lane Crosswave Missions 51-60. Includes 4 items: Azur Lane Crosswave, Azur Lane Crosswave - Shiranui's Prized Goods Release Sale, Azur Lane Crosswave - Operation EXP Boost, Azur Lane Crosswave - Deluxe Pack. In a vacuum, this gun should be the absolute strongest AP gun, but falling within the firing band it does means battleships equipped with this gun may struggle to take advantage of damage buffs and debuffs granted by other ships in the fleet, allowing a slower gun to pull ahead in damage. If you have special need for AP gun(for example PvP or in a battle where you know the boss has medium armor) then go ahead and use this gun. In most cases you can still brainlessly spam MK6. ... ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quintuple Advanced Homing Torpedo Mount ・610mm Triple Advanced Torpedo Mount Then again, salvo damage is higher than the blue 356mm above. And if this gun wins in salvo damage than the other gun, then this gun is judged more favorably. A collection of Azur Lane guides. As expected, each does less damage than the shells from twin and triple guns. Oil in Azur Lane is equivalent to stamina in most mobile games; your Canteen generates Oil and you can get more from mission/commission rewards. Play Azur Lane on BlueStacks! This page was last modified on 20 January 2021, at 11:02. ... Twin 410mm (Type 3 Shell) T0. This allows it to be extremely versatile. Base ID: 34100 CN: 410mm ... Base ID: 34140 CN: 410mm连装炮 JP: 410mm連装砲 KR: 410mm 연장포 EN: 410mm Mounted Gun. Stats are almost identical to MK6(2 less damage per shot). Once you have got the higher tier one, and you have install them to all your ships, any extra you can proceed to […] https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/w/index.php?title=Twin_410mm_(Type_3_Shell)&oldid=133958, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Report Save. This lends to two kinds of min-max design for these guns: 1. ... A predread would end up with some odd quirk but primarily lack of anti air gun. As discussed in the overview, sanshiki has a burn damage coefficient of 1.2 and not the normal 0.6 that HE shells have. In general, for guns with stat tradeoffs, it's best to consider what are you expecting to encounter/to achieve in specific maps. Very accurate AP gun. The shell spread is also very wide, as expected from a quad gun. 3. Not as fast as the purple 381mm, but still very good. On paper this gun is very disappointing, and in a lot of times, in practice as well. Functionally similar to the Triple 406mm Mk 6, it trades some raw damage for more FP and a better RoF.Basically a barrage version of the Triple 406mm Mk 6 but it's still slower compared to the Twin 381mm Mk 2 Prototype and the Twin 410mm Mounted Gun. ... 410mm mounted gun (purple) or Hood gun/twin 391mm advanced (gold)? The two big shells split into smaller shells in mid sky and tiny fragments spray over the enemy side of the screen, each doing a tiny amount of damage. Every salvo has 4 shells. Rate of fire is faster than the MK6, albeit minimally. It's unlikely that you'll miss a shot if you aim well. Triple 406mm - Everyone else, that either have timed barrages, no barrage at all, or otherwise don't have any skill that relies on firing the gun as much as possible. Furthermore, if you intend to use a CL gun as the main gun on a Light Cruiser, then you should opt for a low spread range. It's often used on ships that need to trigger their firing-based skills(Hood etc) because the shorter reload can help bringing out those skills more than MK6 does. If you'd like to include a temporary reload buff (e.g. But as of now, this kind of enemies didn't appear on CN/JP yet so be cautious about whether you want to spend for this gun. So if you managed to take care of that, then this becomes usable. T3. Reload is significantly faster. Not to mention the gold gun firepower buff is at 45 which might matter for some cases(skills with firepower scaling). Although this is usually the "best" choice for a CA, it's not always the case. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Unlike other BB guns, this gun has a 12° angular spread rather than a linear spread. Hood, Arizona); if lacking Hood Guns the 410mm purple is a viable alternative, and if you want THE highest possible rate of fire (at the cost of a severe drop in DPS), use the 283mm SKC34. Last year I wrote an equipment guide for Azur Lane: http://himeuta.org/showthread.php?11450-Quick-and-Dirty-Equipment-Guide It received some, Return to Index Destroyer Main Gun Overview The purpose of destroyer main guns can be either skill trigger or damage output. In ships with shell type-modifying skills that changes the shell type of this gun to something other than normal, this gun can become useful. 2019/02/22 update: Equipments from EN's Winter Crown event were added to the guides. Azur Lane Equipment Farming Guide: BB guns Overall, the Triple 406 MK6 is the best choice for HE while the Triple 410 Mounted is best for AP. Azur Lane Equipments To Use Guide ... the lower cooldown leads to a higher volume of fire, which they desperately need as they lack the second gun mount Gunboats have. Because this is an event reward, you should think twice before you redeem this gun because of its limited usage. With the introduction of the new AP penetration mechanic and later map mid-armor enemies, this AP guns will likely see more play. Instructions: Enter the absolute cooldown for the battleship's main gun (in seconds), as well as any any relevant cooldown reduction. The purple(T2) version of this gun is usable as a substitute AP gun for this one. For explanations of weapon modifiers, click. It is probably better known as the Barracuda cockblocker, because when you open a UK box you'll probably get this guy instead of something useful like a gold Barracuda. For shorter battles with many enemies where you won't get to your second round of shelling anyway, this gun is usable for its AOE to clear things faster. Functionally similar to the Triple 406mm Mk 6, it trades some raw damage for more FP and a better RoF.Basically a barrage version of the Triple 406mm Mk 6 but it's still slower compared to the Twin 381mm Mk 2 Prototype and the Twin 410mm Mounted Gun. For ships like Hood that have good firing-dependent triggers, this is a great choice as a transitional gun before you get the purple 410mm or the purple 381mm purple. 2019/02/16 update: Equipments from EN's core data shop added. This is just one example. Twin 410mm (3rd Year Type) T1. The "true" Hood gun. The best AP option in the game as of now. by Intel8008 Intro A General guide for equipment and their respective lower tier options for Commanders who are new to the game or who have limited resources to construct or obtain them. Triple 381mm Prototype (BL 15" Mk III) Equipment Type: BB Gun Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Description: A HE BB gun. To reiterate, when comparing this to another gun, if the battle doesn't last long enough for the other gun to fire twice, then the other gun's DPS is irrelevant, and only salvo damage matters. FP+45 is better than the MK6, but base damage is lower, and on high level ships the extra firepower is not enough to make up for the lower base damage. 2. From Azur Lane Wiki. Despite of this being a research weapon, it doesn't bring many new things to the table. Although this is a blue gun, it has very fast reload. Very close to the MK6. Whether this is worth it is still situational dependent, though. 2018/09/30 update: Equipments from EN's Visitors Dyed in Red event were added to the guides. 381mm Triple M1934 is something of a sidegrade to the prototype 410mm triple. Regarding range stats: In-Game Range: Purpose unclear. Azur Lane is a side-scrolling shooter created by Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, originally released in 2017 for iOS and Android platforms. Reply. As a result, the theoretical DPS of this gun is very bad. Currently situated awkwardly between high damage BB guns and fast reload BB guns, while leaning very heavily on the high damage end of the spectrum. The "Jean Bart" gun that probably only should be used on Jean Bart. The only ship where the twin 381 makes a noticeable difference on is Hood since she has a very low firepower of 312 at level 100 vs other BBs who average around 380 fp. Often seen as the AP version of the MK6 as their stats are almost identical except for ammo type. If you know you will get to fire your BB main gun many times, then this is a worthwhile tradeoff. It's unlikely that this gun will be a "bad" choice for anyone in the game right now, but if you want to maximize other aspects of a ship you can try playing around with the following guns. Damage per shot is actually less, despite of having only 2 shells vs 3 and at higher caliber. This is where timeframe control in BB guns need to be considered. Base ID: 34160 CN: 410mm连装炮(三式弹) JP: 410mm連装砲(三式弾) KR: 410mm 연장포 (삼식탄) EN: 410mm Mounted Gun (Type 3 Shell) T0. As of now this equipment is core data exchange/event only. An improved version of the gun above, fixing most of the issues it had. But then this is just a transitional gun so it's probably not worth it to think too hard. While this reduces its value as a general-use gun, it's a potent gun when fighting bosses with medium or heavy armour. Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Aux... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Ant... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Tor... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Div... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Fig... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Sur... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Sec... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Bat... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Hea... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Lig... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Ind... Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Des... Azur Lane Equipment Tiering System Explained. Twin 410mm - Used for ships that rely on fire rate-based barrages that want more consistent main gun DPS while still shooting fast enough to proc barrages. Theoretical DPS is the highest in game among BB guns, but it comes with some serious baggage. Accuracy is noticeably better due to tighter spread. Otherwise, when you use a CL gun as an auxiliary on a BB, for example, you can go for a high spread range to obtain a scatter shooting pattern. Type: BB Gun: Rarity: It pretty much functions the same as the MK with minor ROF bonus. Firing BB guns purely for the purpose of ignition and fire damage is a bad tactic to begin with, but even if you wanted these small fragments to light enemies up they probably won't do a great job anyway. Not good for PvE. Triple 152mm (6"/53 caliber gun) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. Azur Lane Crosswave Missions 31-40. Today at 6:10 PM https://discord.gg/nXp6Rkm, Battleship/Battlecruiser/Monitor Main Gun Overview, Fire damage = (1+Firepower/100)*(Weapon damage)*(Weapon modifier)*(Weapon efficiency)*(fire damage coefficient)+5, Fire chance(ignition): DD guns = 1%, CL guns = 3%, CA guns = 8%, BB guns = 50%, Sanshiki(Type 3) = 30%, Battleship/Battlecruiser/Monitor Main Gun Analyses. Triple 381mm Prototype (BL 15" Mk III) Equipment Type: BB Gun Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Description: A HE BB gun. ・Twin 100mm (Type 98) Advanced AA Gun ・Twin 127mm MK12 Advanced Dual Gun ・Triple 155mm Advanced Mounted Gun ・Sample Triple 152mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 203mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25) T0 ・Sample 381mm Mounted Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quint Adv Homing Torpedo Mt Often considered the best BB main gun for BBs with firing-based skill triggers because it has useful ROF advantage without losing much of stats if at all. Because this is commonly considered strictly better to many normal BB guns, acquisition of it is limited. However, the per salvo burst damage is still reasonable. Shell is HE, which is good regardless of the rest. But it fires normal shells, rendering this gun pretty much useless. Table of Contents. More importantly, this will also add the new equipments introduced between now and the last update (which was months ago). Acquisition Range: The maximum distance from an enemy for the gun to rotate and attempt to aim. The best Ammo Types for CLs are HE and AP.