How to say death metal in German. Prepare for hardcore action, atmospheric metal guitar riffs and old-school arkanoid difficulty. 20: 20. Unrelenting death metal similar to the 90s scene that never loses its pace. German Translation. Casual price. Death metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. Includes dictionary, usage examples, pronunciation function and additional vocabulary feature. Death Metal Find more words! Not your average brick-breaker arcade game! Building from the musical structure of thrash metal, biker metal and hardcore punk. Better then death metal era Dissection. Death Metal ist ein Subgenre des Metal und gehört neben Black Metal und Thrash Metal zum Spektrum des Extreme Metal.Kennzeichnend sind martialische Melodien, die auf sehr tief gestimmten E-Gitarren und E-Bässen gespielt werden. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für death metal im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). Their career has had a lot of ups and downs, but when they are good, such as 1987's Persecution Mania, they are really good. Real-time physics and effects. Am Schlagzeug dominieren schnelle Rhythmusfiguren in Kombination mit einem häufigen Einsatz von Doublebass- und Blastbeat-Techniken. Pages in category "German heavy metal musical groups" The following 117 pages are in this category, out of 117 total. 11 different power-ups to spice up the gameplay. It typically employs heavily distorted guitars, tremolo picking, deep growling vocals, double kick and/or blast beat drumming, minor keys or atonality, and multiple tempo changes. This list may not reflect recent changes . Die Liste deutscher Metalbands zählt namhafte deutsche Musikgruppen aus dem Genre Metal auf; sie stellt einen ausgelagerten Abschnitt der Liste deutscher Rockbands dar. Für Bands der Neuen Deutschen Härte existiert eine eigene Liste. Find german death metal tracks, artists, and albums. But their inconsistency puts them in third place among the Big 3 of German thrash that also includes Kreator and Destruction. 21: 21. death metal Übersetzung, Englisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'death',Black Death',brain death',cot death', biespiele, konjugation Sodom is a thrash band with heavier, more extreme influences like death and black metal. Tags: 1993, blood, death metal, German Death Metal, Grindcore, O Agios Pethane Look up Death Metal in the PONS online German spelling dictionary! 3 Comments. Fermenting Innards Myst (1995) Better then death metal era Dissection. Unrelenting death metal similar to the 90s scene that never loses its pace. 21 Achievements, 6 Trading Cards. Like its predecesssor, it should serve as a historic example of well written grindcore/death metal, although any band seeking to draw inspiration from it may need to also pull from other sources in order to produce something valuable. Find the latest in german death metal music at 40 challenging levels in 4 episode sets. Hard-Rock-Bands werden nur in die Liste aufgenommen, insofern sie auch Metal spielen.Zur Aufnahme in die Liste muss ein Wikipediaartikel vorhanden sein.