I have read that there are limits of defining certain things by genus and difference. Now, what about its relationship to "justice"? I still feel that the term "method" is not inappropriate as there is no doubt that the title (and article) reflects only one of several known "methods" of defining. You are arguing against a statement that is not there, and thus ALL of your examples are wasted. differentia - distinguishing characteristics (especially in different species of a genus) difference - the quality of being unlike or dissimilar; "there are many differences between jazz and rock" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. As nouns the difference between differentia and genus is that differentia is (semantics|logic) a distinguishing feature which marks something off from other members of the same family while genus is (biology|taxonomy) a rank in the classification of organisms, below family and above species; a taxon at that rank. The other kinds of intensional definitions discussed therein are synonymous definition, etymological definition and operational definition. Home. Do you see the richness of this example? Mfwitten (talk) 03:25, 11 December 2011 (UTC). I don't know where that occurs offhand. In any case, the title Genus–differentia definition seems to be suitable: However, as another alternative, the article Definition has long had the section: Though a bit circuitous, it would be a decent article title: Mfwitten (talk) 20:04, 16 November 2011 (UTC), Is this section WP:OR, or is there a reference to a discussion of this sort? a genus (or family): An existing definition that serves as a portion of the new definition; all definitions with the same genus are considered members of that genus. 101-102. Indeed, the article is now obviously less complete. Includes a claim that "Definition by genus and difference is the most effective of the intensional definitions for producing the five kinds of definition discussed in Section 2.3." In history of logic: Johann Heinrich Lambert. …more complex concept into the genus and differentia—the broader and narrowing concepts—typical of standard definitions: the symbols for the genus and differentia of a concept were operations on terms, extracting the genus or differentia of a concept. 2 Your "piety" example has been confusing, because you conflate the notions of intensional and extensional definitions. To present that one lacks the knowledge of a subject, we might suppose as ignorance, we could also presume this person to be unlearned. What I wrote for the article is indeed a weaker statement than that against which you are arguing (and which does not exist in what I wrote), but that does not render it as having no value; in fact, the value comes from simply mentioning has‑a relationships along side is‑a relationships. Mfwitten (talk) 16:44, 12 December 2011 (UTC), These policies determine the type and quality of material that is acceptable in Wikipedia articles. Genus–differentia definition: | | | | | The hierarchy of |biological classific... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and … Discussing inherent, fundamental, unchanging concepts (of a, say, To mirror the pattern of the other definitions, which are introduced with an indefinite article. This is where Slattery saw that a univocal theory of the genus would interfere with his understanding. differentia definition is - an element, feature, or factor that distinguishes one entity, state, or class from another; especially : a characteristic trait distinguishing a species from other species of the same genus. Your example doesn't express one! These three policy pages may be edited only to improve the application and explanation of the principles. Beyond being a tool of science, logic is also a specific discipline in Islamic studies that reflects scholars’ metaphysical and ontological assumptions. Genus and Differentia: Reconciling Unity in Definition, The collected writings of James Henley Thornwell, Volume 4, The principles of empirical or inductive logic, Understanding Educational Research. Species of the…, Genetic variability and structure of nonindigenous vs native populations are compared for the Eurasian round goby Neogobius…, New Caledonia is well known as a hot spot of biodiversity whose origin as a land mass can be traced back to the Gondwanan…, Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) and elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), are important reef builders in the Caribbean. If so, then your approach to editing Wikipedia is unthinking and at a greater risk of being harmful (in fact, it has just been harmful). Omits both the discussion of "rational animal" and the claim that the choice of genus and difference is arbitrary (in the sense mentioned above, that we could take the difference as the genus and vice versa). The fact that a real and current user name is the subject, that also happens to be a major contributor, raises issues of conflict of interest. 17. If the genus is identical to the differentia then the differentia must articulate everything the genus implies indeterminately. If less than the entire connotation is stated, it becomes an incomplete definition. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library ... Computer file. Phiwum (talk) 16:59, 14 December 2011 (UTC). In particular, the text that I wrote never states that any differentia can be regarded as a has‑a relationship (as you imply it does), but only that it is the differentia of a definition (namely, the non‑genus portion of the differentia) that may be used for expressing a has‑a relationship, which is discussed by the sections on multiplicity and structure (which you destroyed). The discussion that we are having is part of your argument; your argument for a destructive edit is based (at least partially) on it. The genera (class and sect) are relative synonyms of 'group'. Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Philosophy#Aristotle on Genus/Difference? A rule-ignorer must justify how their actions improve the encyclopedia if challenged. Note that what I wrote for the article does not preclude such thinking (however, I would argue that such thinking is not worthy of prominence given that such a has‑a relationship depends on the existence of an is‑a relationship). An article discussing the concept of a "genus–differentia definition". 101-106. Reason Papers (Issue 21): Review Essay: Tara Smith, The pragmatics of defining religion: contexts, concepts, and contests, Aristotle: critical assessments, Volume 2, What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand, The Blackwell dictionary of Western philosophy, Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf, WP:NOTABILITY#Why we have these requirements, indiscriminate collections of information, 19:51, 11 February 2011 Mfwitten (revert). The five kinds of definition discussed are stipulative, lexical, precising, theoretical and persuasive. A genus–differentia definition is a type of intensional definition which defines a species (that is, a type — not necessarily a biological category) as a subtype of a genus satisfying certain conditions (the differentia).Thus, the definiendum in such definitions is always a species (and not an individual), while the definiens consists of two parts:. Firstly, I address the continuing qualms surrounding the example on which you base your argument. An Introduction, Definition in Jurisprudence (The Philosophical Quarterly), Standardization of Technical Terminology: Principles and Practices - STP 806, Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine, Substance and essence in Aristotle: an interpretation of Metaphysics VII-IX, John Philoponus' New Definition of Prime Matter. The reverse process, by which just part of an existing definition is used itself as a new definition, is called abstraction; the new definition is called an abstraction and it is said to have been abstracted away from the existing definition.For instance, consider the following: 1. square 1.1. a quadrilateral that has interior angles which are all right angles, and that has bounding side… Of course, I don't mind if information about such history is introduced, but I think it's important to recognize that there are two approaches to this subject at play (I am concerned primarily with the latter): Regarding notability: I personally feel that in general, the concept of "notability" is mostly a ridiculous one. Aristotelian equation: Definition of term = genus + differentia. 118-127. But, they can be put into a hierarchy (class > sect). (Be sure also to look at my questions regarding WP:OR at the bottom of this talk page, please.) A genus–differentia definition is a type of intensional definition, and it is composed of two parts: 1. Mfwitten (talk) 23:46, 17 December 2011 (UTC). You are correct in what I perceive is your implication that the example in question doesn't quite match linquistically with the other examples; I believe I changed the other examples and then didn't extend that change to the example in question. You are not improving Wikipedia by destroying content like this. By substituting the definition of a rectangle into the definition of a square, one gets: Just as "piety" in your example is (likely) a genus of "justice" (and certainly not the other way around), so it is that "a rectangle" is a genus of "a square" (and certainly not the other way around); a square is a manifestation of a rectangle; a square is a rectangle. To me, that would be a highly immoral destruction of useful information (as long as that synthesis is not in dispute). However, my understanding of "justice" suggests that "piety" is in fact employed as a genus of justice: When justice is served, the gods are served; justice is a manifestation of piety; justice is piety. For reference, here is one of the definitions of a square that is presented: As with your example of "piety", this is a vague specification for an abstraction; the definition of a rectangle given here is specifying that something is being abstracted away from the definition of a square. Thank you for the sectioning. ; the differentia: The portion of the definition that is not provided by the genus. I can pass this by the community to see if a particular example is justification (or not) or choose another avenue of dispute resolution. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Genus–differentia_definition&oldid=575194471, Start-Class philosophy of language articles, Philosophy of language task force articles, Automatically assessed Linguistics articles, Low-importance philosophy of language articles, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This article has not yet received a rating on the project's, An embedded account name appears like vandalism. Thus we have stated what virtue is in respect of its genus. I found multiple references to this name and only one that corresponds with the current title. Will you immediately be satisfied by what has been written? has come under attack for 2 reasons so far: Mfwitten (talk) 20:30, 11 February 2011 (UTC), You didn't actually answer my question: is there any good reason to prefer the example as it stands, despite the repeated need to defend yourself? an elaborate explanation for justification, Characterizing the definitions of anatomical concepts in WordNet and specialized sources. Phiwum (talk) 14:39, 9 December 2011 (UTC). 1)-The title name; This is being discussed in the section below. A genus–differentia definition is a type of intensional definition, and it is composed of two parts:. "Partial derivative" explains, "The difference between the total and partial derivative is the elimination of indirect dependencies between variables in partial derivatives. See Species, Genus, and Differentia: "Since a definition defines an essence, only what has an essence can be defined.In general, however, it is not individuals but rather speciesthat have essences. A genus may be on a lower or a higher level of abstraction. Species Verb Genus Differentia A rifle is a dangerous object that shoots bullets. Since there is only one source, and nothing pertinent to the rest of the article, it is somewhat difficult to follow non-existent references to check facts. A genus–differentia definition is a type of intensional definition, and it is composed of two parts: 1. While I've already made my point, I'll entertain the example you provided, which is: Let's do some abstraction to make the example clearer: So, the non-genus portion of the differentia of the definition of "a sequence" that you provided does indeed provide a means by which to express a has‑a relationship, namely: Similarly, the definition you provided expresses a constraint on an existing has‑a relationship: The constraint is that each node be a SequenceNode. Passion is a kind of emotion, emotion is a “genus” of passion. Basically, the language for your definition of "piety": is meant to be interpreted in the context of an extensional definition of "justice" rather than an intensional definition by genus and differentia; the term "justice" is very silently assumed to be written something like this: Here, the term "justice" is being defined by listing all members of the genus "justice", and thus the words "that part of justice" actually mean "a member of the genus justice" (or, as I've been using in other comments, "a manifestation of justice"), which can simply be reduced to "justice" and employed as the genus of a definition of "piety" by genus and differentia: Perhaps an expanded system of definitions by genus and differentia might look like the following: Mfwitten (talk) 23:46, 17 December 2011 (UTC). So, your example is really a specification for how to abstract away a portion of the definition of "justice" (but not explicitly what that abstraction really is), and the term "piety" is simply the name given to that abstraction, and (as already shown) the genus of "piety" is: That is, "piety" is "[a] service to the gods", which certainly agrees with my understanding of "piety". Passion refers to the desire, envy, anger, fear, confidence, happy, friendly feeling, hatred, desire, envy, compassion, which is feelings associated with pleasure or pain generally. The section titled "Multiplicity" guides the reader's own thoughts toward an understanding in increasing generality: In particular, that text directs the reader to consider when and how some differentiae may be transformed into genera, and that when this transformation is applied uniformly, one arrives at a structure that involves "is-a" and "has-a" relationships, which was described in the next section that you deleted. Maybe I am just better at mathematics than philosophy but that article does have better presentation and also has flaws. Furthermore, it has…, The family Tenuipalpidae is worldwide in distribution and includes several economically important pest species. It is essential, in my opinion, to making a smooth transition to the subject of structure, a subject which is important for a number of reasons. One feature that best reflects the perceptions of scholars who use logic as a scientific tool is As with the treatment of your example: Because we are actually given the definition of a square (unlike with "justice"), we can surmise which part of a square is actually meant by the abstraction specification, thereby allowing for an explicit definition: Just as "service to the gods" in your example is a genus of "piety", so it is that "a quadrilateral with certain interior angles" is a genus of "a rectangle". It should be very easy to add references to this article. Because they complement each other, they should not be interpreted in isolation from one another. (Grammatically, there is a slight difference not mentioned by Copi, namely that a genus is a class, while a difference is a predicate, but this is trivially fixed by saying the genus is "rational thing" and the difference "is an animal".). Regarding references: I personally feel that references are only useful for resolving disputes. Regarding confusion: I stand by my original statements. Character is the combination of qualities which make a particular person, thing, … Prima facie the article " Principia Mathematica" appears well laid out although there would probably be a great multitude of readers that do not need 400 pages to explain what was accepted before grade school. ), abstraction, and even multiplicity play fundamental roles in understanding the conceptual world and essentially the physical world; I think that making this connection will ignite an explosion of understanding in their heads, and it will perhaps lead others to these related subjects. This page was last edited on 30 September 2013, at 20:52. In the context of the subject would this then not be a genus–differencia method? The non-genus portion of the differentia of a definition provides a means by which to specify a has‑a relationship... A sequence has one or more SequenceNodes. Otr500 (talk) 10:20, 12 November 2011 (UTC), Placing a Wikipedia user name in an article main space, a real (current or past) user or even a fictitious user, would be covered by Wikipedia policies and guidelines concerning original research, blogs, notability, references, self promotion, indiscriminate collection of information, verifyability, and possibly more. At this point, I've already exposed your example as being nonsensical with respect to your argument, but let's continue analyzing it. ", and I now object, so would you mind choosing a better example? GENUS/DIFFERENTIA, MA1.fER/FORM, AND LEVElS OF COMPLEXITY MA'ITHEW FREYTAG At various points in the Metaphysics Aristotle wrestles by turns or si- multaneously with two problems. 105-109. As for WP:OR, I think that WP:SYNTHNOT is instructive: Have I really expanded human knowledge rather than just thoughtfully present it? In light of that, as with entertaining the thought of sections, it might be a good idea to consider the genus–differentia of the evidence presented. Should we scrap or otherwise mangle the article on the Jacobian matrix just because you, as a particular reader, have trouble understanding it? What we use to distinguish various kinds of something is called the differentia. ? In the…, We present a new remeshing scheme based on the idea of improving mesh quality by a series of local modifications of the mesh…, Four new genera of osteolepifonns and a new rhizodontifonn genus are described from the Middle-Late Devonian Aztec Siltstone…, ___________________ Introduction _________________ Previous reports, North American __ Taxonomic reports ________ Nontaxonomic…, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our, Linkage Map Construction and Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis of Agronomic and Fiber Quality Traits in Cotton, K3 Surfaces, N=4 Dyons, and the Mathieu Group M24, A catalog of the Tenuipalpidae (Acari) of the World with a key to genera, Invasion Genetics of Ponto-Caspian Gobies in the Great Lakes: A ‘Cryptic’ Species, Absence of Founder Effects, and Comparative Risk Analysis. "Do you feel this page has sufficient citations and that those citations come from. Mfwitten (talk) 23:46, 17 December 2011 (UTC). Using one of your words I feel sections did offer "enhancements". Now, I grant that the lack of sectioning is cosmetically alarming at first blush, but the nature of the subject and the presentation of these concepts seem to require a rather tight coupling of the paragraphs throughout; it may just be the case that breaking the text into sections would only lead to contrived organization and further confusion. Is a square a manifestation of a rectangle or is it a manifestation of a a rhombus? Nieuw: Verwijzing gecorrigeerd naar het Van Dale On-linewoordenboek als Genus het woord niet kent. Those look very clearly presented. The differentia (rules and superiority) or (superior and rules) are free for multiple uses: 'a ruling class', 'rules superiority', or 'transcends its sect' so as to avoid circularity. Genus belongs to a ranking lower than family and above species, whereas species are organisms with similar characteristics that come below the Genus classification ranking. Almost every computer produced by Apple and its rivals has been modeled on a machine built … Aristotle’s logic, especially his theory of the syllogism, has had an unparalleled influence on the history of Western thought. In further defense of the importance of the section on multiplicity, I secondly note that it directly leads to thinking about the structure of not only a set of definitions, but also the structure of a single definition, and how is‑a and has‑a relationships can be mapped to genera and differentiae (and, at least to some large degree, vice versa). A history section is very important to the article and inclusion for some connection to Aristotelianism other than one reference. Neither article has a history section and some etymology would be beneficial. Well, "piety" could be employed in the definition of "justice" as one of two things: We don't know which role it plays, though, because the portion of the definition of "justice" is never specified (and neither is an explicit definition of "piety"). (See also. The principles upon which these policy statements are based are not superseded by other policies or guidelines, or by editors' consensus. Search for 'ti:"Aristotle on Genus and Differentia"' at a library near you. At times and in sundry places I have made light of my ignorance. ; En tevens een verwijzing toegevoegd naar het Groene Boekje (2005); Als je op een van de gevonden woorden klikt zie je een aantal verbuigingen van dat woord. Phiwum (talk) 14:26, 13 December 2011 (UTC), NOTE: The SEP refers to Book V (Zeta) of Aristotle's metaphysics, not the Topics. Two I do not see that adding sections degraded the article in the least and made it easier to read, study, refer to (as with links), and as a plus, which may or may not be important to some, follows policies and guidelines. Second, the specific difference must be named— the attribute that distinguishes the members of that species from members of all others species in that genus. The common definition given for "justice" is circular: "the quality of being just" "Just" is defined in your average dictionary as: - "free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception" (negative definition) Of course, it's a task worth considering. So, the non‑genus portion of the differentia of the definition of "a sequence" that you provided does express new has‑a relationships: As an aside, even a genus provides the means by which to express a has‑a relationship; after all, just expressing that a sequence is a tree is enough to express that a sequence has one or more nodes, for instance. ", and this is hidden in the section Examples but, in my humble opinion, should be in the lead and in a noted section of that article. Therefore, the discussion belongs here. The Jacobian determinant has been confusingly referred to as "the Jacobian" so would this not be good information to be included an article? it hints at the thoughtful use of definite and indefinite articles used throughout the development of the concept of definition by genus and differentia (and it is also an allusion to those human languages in which it is permissible to use the definite article before somebody's name); the definition itself also follows the explicit 'a with ' pattern that has been frequently used. ‘The differentiae of specific emotions are not physiological, but cognitive or something else.’. I was looking through some old revisions of this article, and I saw this one. Mfwitten (talk) 02:25, 21 November 2011 (UTC), I am listing comments on the project page at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Philosophy. From my own shelves, I've found the following references. I can show another side of my foundational maturity regarding references should the need arise. To determine if a subject (a lucky guess notwithstanding) does not have a "mature enough foundation" for understanding or is simply having trouble understanding, possibly because the way something is presented, is certainly debatable. In further defense of the importance of the section on multiplicity, I firstly note that I am a reader who would be deeply troubled by the presence of multiple definitions for a single term, and having this kind of guiding text to focus my thinking would save me a lot of strife, personally; the presence of this text is something that you as a reader may shrug off as a triviality, but for me as a reader, it would save a great deal of mental anguish. Discussing accidents of our particular Universe, like Boethius. On the matter of citations, consider this: If a cited book states exactly what has been stated in this article, then you personally may remain just as confused and/or unswayed as you have been; what, then, does this book title do for you in this case that is so magical? 2)- User name (supposedly fictitious); You have stated that I am indignant and have an aversion over your use of a presented "fictitious" name when the. Genus: Law Differentia: Although specified at a particular time, applies to a time period before that Comment: A retroactive law nullifies the objectivity of the law, which is the purpose of having laws. Your destructive edit is no doubt an unintended consequence of the "policy" you cite. I feel that my lack of any foundational understanding concerning a subject may be a reason not to try to get into a philosophical discussion on said subject but this does not mean that I can not see errors, things presented as to be confusing, or certain important things omitted. This process of producing new definitions by extending existing definitions is commonly known as differentiation (and also as derivation). So, as you can see, all of the pieces fit nicely together. If this is so then a subsection, that would certainly enhance the article by presenting a neutral point of view, would be warranted. A much more recent descendant of the above. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about differentia. The purpose of "notability" is found in the fact that resources are finite; if Wikipedia had infinite resources, nobody would care if I made one new article for each of my bowel movements. Genius and Tragedy at Dawn of Computer Age. 0 Didlogos, 66 0995) pp. A genus of "justice" (which includes a genus portion of the differentia of "justice", as described in the Multiplicity section, which you destroyed). A non‑genus portion of the differentia of "justice". As for understanding, or not understanding, the fault could lie on the person but could just as easily lie in the presentation of what is presented that is attempting to be understood. Any opinions? Remove it? Copi and Cohen's "Introduction to Logic", Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009, pp. The superior fiber properties of Gossypium barbadense L. serve as a source of novel variation for improving fiber quality in…, A close relationship between K3 surfaces and the Mathieu groups has been established in the last century. What differentiates one species from others under the same genius is called “differentia”. 4)- Tags; The article, as written, is "confusing or unclear to readers" and contains an "excessive amount of intricate detail that may only interest a specific audience". What makes various kinds of animals different from each other and what makes various kinds of knowledge different are different. It's not a particularly essential bit in any case. noun differentiae. Second, I really like the tables that break down the examples clearly into genus and difference — and make no special consideration for the cases in which the difference involves membership in a genus. Any debate about notability should really only be about the degree of interconnection with other articles that exist both outside and inside Wikipedia. Search. For instance, let's assume that this article does perform a synthesis that cannot be attributed to some non‑Wikipedia source. Look at all of this careful thought that is at the basis of what has been written. Listed in the section "Jacobian matrix" of "Jacobian matrix and determinant": Perhaps we could consider my "ignorance" or lack of "mature enough foundation" as to the reasons I feel there is confusion in discussing "second derivative" on one hand and "second-order" on the other as well as "first derivatives" as opposed to "first-order". Let's say that I am the one who wrote that book; what in this situation has changed then? Information should be destroyed when it is, We require "significant coverage" in reliable sources so that we can actually write a whole article, rather than half a paragraph or a, We require that all articles rely primarily on, We require multiple sources so that we can write a reasonably balanced article that complies with, Because these requirements are based on major content policies, they apply to all articles, not solely articles justified under the, The spirit of the rule trumps the letter of the rule.